Why Scorpio is the sign most prone to mood disorders

Lucky I was born with a Virgo sun and a Scorpio moon. Your moon sign is what is in charge of your emotional realm and the sun is more tied to how you carry yourself and appear to others.

I have met many Scorpios in my own life, particularly within my family system, as well as dealing with this treacherous combination of anxiety and depression with the Virgo sun and Scorpio moon in my own chart.

Scorpio is a water sign. Water signs are more prone to depression because they are very emotionally sensitive. Water is an element that consists of looking at the deepest emotional and subconscious currents of life that control our actions and behaviors upon awakening.

Scorpions are like this: «still waters run deep.» They can seem very good-natured, happy, perhaps calm, and are often very practical. They tend to be very efficient workers who are very good at getting things done.

Early in life, they may have a lot of trouble getting in touch with their emotions because it is often their karma to be born into situations where this behavior is not rewarded, and can even be seen as «wrong.» When they learn to tap into their emotions, it can be very scary for them because they have a depth to them that is often not considered «normal» in our society. What is considered normal is not necessarily what is really «normal», since «normal» does not exist, but what is dominant is what reigns.

Scorpios have often experienced trauma in their lives due to being seen as abnormal, and this can affect their sense of stability in the world, which is something they long for. They can often find themselves in codependent relationships as a result of this desperate need to stabilize their naturally chaotic aquatic nature.

Scorpions are very affectionate and sweet, but they can be hurt very easily. It can cause them to lash out at others or self-sabotage. The destiny of being a Scorpio is not an easy one, but it is one that can be best handled when you understand your own nature and try to go with the flow of life rather than trying to make other people do what you want. Scorpios can have a controlling and rigid nature that can confuse others – they can keep it to themselves or they can express it towards others who are nearby – but it’s only because they feel things so much more deeply and intensely than other people. They are also very practical and often know how to do things more efficiently than others.

When they try to turn off that part of themselves to fit in with society, they can struggle with mood disorders like bipolar, borderline personality disorder, and depression. They are often psychically and intuitively highly gifted and may be drawn to the arts, drama, dance, sexual and creative activities, as well as the occult.

To combat these mood swings that are so common in Scorpio, they need to know who their friends are, and they often have a tight-knit circle of people they can trust. When your trust is betrayed, it’s hard to get it back. They need stability, with a good, solid housing situation and a full schedule, to balance their chaotic aquatic nature. They also need time to relax, be alone, reflect, and flow with the currents of life. It is of the utmost importance that Scorpios express themselves artistically and creatively so that they are happy.

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