White Gold White Gold: Vodka

White Gold: Vodka is a distillate that comes from the fermentation of potatoes, wheat, barley, grapes, beets and in general any starchy plant. In principle, its purpose was to obtain a simple, alcoholic liquid made up of ethanol and water, unpretentious in terms of its aroma and taste, which makes it a rather tasteless drink. It was also sought to have a high alcohol content so that it could withstand the harsh Russian winters without freezing. traditionally has a graduation around 40ºalthough there are Polish vodkas that they get to have 80º and some Russian up to 96ºthat you have to be very ironic to call it «little water».

Unlike other distillates such as whisky, gin, rum or tequila, with the vodka looking for a mix of pure alcohol and water, without further pretensions, and the raw material used is of little relevance. At best, a slight aromatization is allowed, resulting in a drink with little flavor and aroma. This characteristic means that its use in the West is mainly as alcoholic base of numerous cocktailsalthough in eastern countries it is usually consumed without mixing, very cold and to eat. having to bear the siberian low temperatures induces these hard habits.


The origin of vodka can be found more than a thousand years ago in Russia and Eastern Europe, an area known as the vodka belt. This zone also included other countries such as Poland, Ukraine, Belarus, the Nordic countries and the Baltic States.

In the year 1386, wine alcohol was introduced to Moscow by Genoese merchants. Being considered a harmful drink, the Russian government prohibited its importation into the country. Later, when it was discovered that alcohol could be extracted from wheat and rye, the first vodka was produced. The oldest known written reference to vodka was found in a Polish manuscript from 1405.

Until the arrival of Empress Catherine II This liquor was of very low quality, since it allowed it to be made on the estates of the nobles. In one of those small factories the vodka purification method Through the charcoal. It was then, when it became a drink of crystalline purity and very high quality.

After World War I, vodka became international and reached North America. After the 1930s, the soldiers spread the liquor with great success throughout America.

During World War II, the distillate ceased to be an exclusive product of Russia and other European countries, and began to be produced in Western countries, mainly in the United States, where it also began to be produced. vodka with potato and corn. Thus its consumption spread worldwide.


It helps to reduce stress

Vodka has a better relaxation effect, according to scientific studies. It helps decrease the stress factor in the body more efficiently than other alcoholic beverages like red wine. It has properties to induce sleep and has a calming effect on the brain.

anesthetic qualities

Vodka has been famously used in Russian folklore to routinely «cure» all illnesses, ranging from a mild headache to a cold. It is also used as a topical anesthetic, as it is frozen in a plastic bag filled with vodka and applied as an ice pack on pain to help numb the pain.

Relieves toothache

Put a little vodka around the teeth and leave for a while until it is absorbed by the gums; this will help reduce pain in the infected area. Vodka mixed with cinnamon in specific amounts works as an effective mouthwash and cures bad breath.

It is protective of heart diseases

Drinking vodka has a dilating effect on the arteries that stimulates the free flow of blood. It also helps in developing the amount of HDL (good) cholesterol in the body.

Promotes healthy skin and coat

Vodka can help you have beautiful skin, as it helps clean pores and firm them up thanks to its astringent properties. Also, it is widely used in beauty products such as cleansers, toners, and anti-acne products. It also promotes healthy hair, because it cleanses the scalp and removes toxins from the hair. Vodka also helps treat dandruff and is used in the preparation of stimulating tonics to promote hair growth.

cocktails with vodka

Tom Collins

  • Ingredients: 50 ml of gin, 100 ml of lemon juice, 100 ml of soda, 1 tablespoon of sugar, ice.
  • Preparation: Pour into the glass the juice of one lemon (approximately 100 ml), a tablespoon of sugar or syrup, two measures of gin and, finally, the soda (half a bottle will go to you). Stir well to dissolve the sugar. Add three or four or ice cubes and a slice of lemon and enjoy.

Irish coffee

  • Ingredients: 2-2.5 parts Irish whiskey, 4 parts filtered coffee, approx. 1-2 tablespoons white or brown sugar, approx. 50 ml cream or whipped cream, semi-whipped.
  • Preparation: First, the glass is tempered with hot water, a filter coffee or American type is prepared, and it is combined with the whiskey and the sugar, stirring well until it dissolves. This mixture is taken to the glass, previously emptied. Then you have to whip the cream, leaving it with the texture of whipped cream, very smooth, without visible air bubbles and always without forming peaks. The key is to be able to pour the cream little by little, with the help of the back of a spoon, to achieve that silky coverage that imitates the foam of a black beer.

Daisy flower

  • Ingredients: 75 ml of tequila, 25 ml of triple sec, 25 ml of lime juice, ice, salt.
  • Preparation: First of all, we must prepare the glasses in which we are going to serve the cocktail. We must pass the lime around the edge of the glass and place it upside down on a plate with salt, to achieve the mythical saline edge that characterizes the cocktail. Once we have the glasses ready, with the help of the measuring glass, pour the freshly squeezed lime juice, the tequila, and the triple sec into the shaker (in this order, since the “diluents” are always placed first). Then we add four or five ice cubes. We cover and shake the shaker for 15 seconds, serving the cocktail with the help of the filter of the shaker itself or the strainer.