Of the planets of the Solar System, Mars is the closest to Earth and therefore has always been the subject of study among the scientific community.. From these investigations, information and curiosities about this planet have been obtained that are worth reviewing. Among these, the most outstanding are those that are related to its geographical characteristics, and the possibility of survival for the human species. Let’s meet some more:

It is the fourth planet closest to the sun: it is positioned just behind the Earth. According to the studies that exist on the red planet, in the extreme north of the planet there are long and hot summers, while in the south there are short and cold winters.

It is similar to Earth: The idea of ​​using this planet as the first habitat of humans has always been popular in space, due to the similarity of its geography with planet Earth. According to studies, Mars is rocky, there is presence of water and a thin atmosphere.

A planet with two moons: Phobos and Deimos are the satellites of Mars and are the equivalent of our Moon on Earth.

It has the largest mountain in the Solar System: It is a simple comparison, the largest mountain on Earth is Everest with only 8.8 kilometers, while Mars has the mount Olympus, a mountain 21 kilometers above the ground.

It is smaller than Earth: Mars is 90 percent smaller than Earth and the seventh largest in the Solar System, followed last by Mercury.

longest years: Compared to Earth, a year on Mars corresponds to 1.88 Earth days. Mars takes 686.98 days to go around the sun, while the Earth takes 365 days, 6 hours and 9 minutes to complete the same trip.

The first to observe Mars: Galileo Galilei was the first to observe Mars through a telescope. This event occurred in 1609 when the astronomer was 45 years old.

Mars and Antarctica: Despite what is known about Mars, not all of us are capable of imagining life on the red planet. To give us an idea, the scientific community compares it to Antarctica, especially in its desert areas.

There is less gravity than on Earth: on Mars there is up to 62% less gravity than on Earth. A person who on our planet weighs 100 kilograms, on Mars would weigh only 40 kilograms.

planet names: According to historical records, Mars was first named by the Egyptians, as Har dècher, which literally means red. For their part, the Babylonians called him Nergal., which means star of death. The Greeks called it Ares and finally it was the Romans who gave it the name by which we know it today, Mars.

the martian symbol: The mars symbol it is the same one that represents the masculine sex. It is a shield with a spear, which in reality is precisely that of Mars or Ares, ancient gods of war for the Greeks and Romans.

These are just some of the curiosities that are known about the planet Marsand although they all come from years of study and observation, it is certain that given the interest in the red planet there is still much more to discover.