Monday, January 18, 2016. Did you know that the use of emoticons makes her sexier?; at least, this was the result of a study published by a renowned magazine specializing in women’s issues. But let’s see how professionals in the area of ​​psychology and sociology reached this burning conclusion.

The “emoticons” or “smilies” are those images that by themselves and without necessarily being accompanied by a text, are capable of communicating a state or feeling. Different applications for instant text messaging and via the Internet offer them as part of their tools and are widely accepted by their users.

But Regarding its relationship with eroticism and sexuality, the study showed that people who tend to use them have personality characteristics such as warmth, emotionality and show a greater ability to open up with others to share their feelings and desires.; which also definitely makes them sexier to the opposite sex.

Also, the study found that in a percentage between 30 and 40%, people who use these nice «faces» to accompany their texts in messages, tend to think more frequently about sex and in situations charged with eroticism than those who do not use them.

For Dr. Helen Fischer, author of the study; the use of technology and the different communication tools that they offer, especially through devices connected to the Internet; has changed the ways of establishing relationships between human beings, including those of erotic and sexual interest. Therefore, as part of the study’s conclusions, the “emoticons” considered innocent and even funny; they hide that “something else” that wants to be said, but not with words.

In the same way, the study also determined that the use of emoticons could be compared to those more intimate or private conversations that can be held with someone «special». Hence, the users and objects of study confessed that effectively the use of these tools does not apply to all their conversations. For example, if the recipient of the messages is not someone you trust or there is no empathic relationship between the two, it will be difficult for them to use this tool. Different behavior, if it is someone they like or for whom they feel some kind of affinity.

It is definitely understandable then, if we analyze the recent birth of new “emoticons” or images with a sexual or erotic charge, which show mischievous smiles, kisses, dreamy eyes, all closely related to situations of coquetry, desire and love. So the next time you send or receive a message with one of these “smilies”, take a good look at who it is; Well, maybe deep down you have found your «better half» and you still don’t know it. Or if, on the contrary, you want to hide it; Also be careful, it’s possibly that “emoticon” dreamy-eyed who betrays him.