Titanium jewelry: how to care and maintain them

For many people, titanium jewelry is ideal because it is light, comfortable and hypoallergenic, not to mention its great resistance to corrosion and tarnishing. However, the latter does not mean that they do not need care to recover their original metallic shine.

After much wear, the naturally gray surface of your jewelry can become a little dull from build-up of residue. Especially if you have been in contact with beauty products (for example, hairsprays, perfumes, lotions or creams, etc.), oils or sweat.

Despite this, there are simple ways to give your titanium jewelry a new shine. But just like other jewelry you have to be careful, because there are ways to add more damage if you clean them incorrectly. So here are some tips to keep your titanium jewelry looking great for years to come.

How to clean your titanium jewelry

Titanium rings are easy to care for. Dishwashing liquids and glass cleaners that contain ammonia, these common household cleaners can be used to clean your titanium jewelry. If you want to revive the brilliance of your ring, glass cleaners are better options. In general, to clean these jewels, these are the steps you can follow:

  1. Prepare a container, fill it with a little warm water, add a little mild dishwashing liquid or glass cleaner.
  2. Soak your ring in the solution for about 5 minutes, use a clean, soft towel or cloth to dry your ring
  3. Rinse your ring with water, use a clean, soft towel to dry it (caution: air drying will allow stains to form on the surface of your ring)

Important tip: Do not rub your ring or use abrasive cleaners because scrubbing or cleaners containing abrasives are likely to destroy the anodized color.

You can also clean your titanium jewelry in an ultrasonic cleaner. However, please note that its metal parts are not recommended to be in contact with the hard surface of the ultrasonic device during cleaning.

One solution is to hang your titanium rings and other items on a rubber-covered goblet hook screwed into a wine cork; then let the jewelry float suspended in the cleaning liquid so that the piece does not touch the bottom of the container.

Colored Titanium Cleaning

When cleaning titanium jewelry that has been anodized to change its color, you must take special care: vigorous rubbing or rubbing of anodized titanium can damage the piece’s color coating.

To clean colored titanium rings or other jewelry, follow these steps:

1. First, soak the jewelry in a solution of warm water and mild soap for several minutes to remove any dirt. However, do not rub the pieces together or you may damage their color coating. Rinse the jewelry with water.

2. Next, soak the items for a couple of minutes in ammonia. Clean them by gently patting them with a clean towel while applying very light pressure, as if you were cleaning your glasses. Don’t rub jewelry, as vigorous rubbing can damage its oxide layer, which gives the piece its color.

3. Rinse jewelry with water and dry items with a clean, soft towel. You can also use a can of compressed air to dry your pieces. Don’t let the titanium air dry if you don’t want your jewelry to look tarnished later.

If you notice any discoloration in your anodized titanium jewelry, you can re-anodize it – jewelers who work with titanium often offer this service for a fee.

Titanium Gemstone Jewelry Cleaning

You should be careful when cleaning titanium jewelry that contains precious stones. Since many gems can be damaged by ultrasonic cleaners or some jewelry cleaning solutions. So these options are not recommended unless you are sure they are safe for your stones.

Choose a cleaning method that is appropriate for the particular gems you have and will not damage them. Diamonds are quite durable, but softer gems need to be handled with care. For example, pearls and opals are especially vulnerable.

If you are not sure how your stones should be cleaned, it is best to err on the side of caution. Do not immerse your gemstone jewelry in water, and only use a soft, damp cloth to wipe any dirt off your stones.

Care to be taken with your titanium jewelry

As you wear your titanium jewelry, it will inevitably get scratched over time. Although this metal is very durable and difficult to damage, it is not completely scratch resistant. So you should take the following care:

Do not expose titanium to chlorine.

Titanium can resist shower water or chlorine, but if your ring contains other types of metal, it’s best to remove it when you’re showering or swimming. Since chlorine can significantly damage the material.

Also make sure your titanium isn’t exposed to bleach, like when you’re doing laundry or cleaning.

Don’t be rough with her titanium jewelry.

If you wear your titanium jewelry regularly, be sure to take it off when you’re playing sports or doing anything physical. This will help you avoid scratching the material. Likewise, if you have colored anodized jewelry, especially titanium wedding bands, avoid rubbing them against rough surfaces, as it will remove the color immediately.

Don’t dirty your titanium jewelry

This may seem obvious, but you don’t want to expose your titanium item to messy activities. This is especially true for titanium rings, because you may not remember to take the ring off. If you do things like gardening, making pottery, or even washing dishes, dirt can get stuck in and around your titanium item. Be sure not to expose your titanium to these types of activities.

Use a polishing cloth.

To care for your titanium jewelry, you can purchase polishing cloths at most jewelry stores. These cloths are a quick fix for polishing titanium. Simply take the cloth and gently rub it over the surface of the titanium. This should remove any residue and leave the titanium looking shiny.

How to polish your jewelry

Minor scratches on polished titanium or precious metals can be removed with a cream metal polish. Rub the cream onto the piece with a soft cloth, and then rinse off the polish with mild soap and water.

Alternatively, you can take your titanium pieces to a jewelry store and have them polished by a professional.