In the world of fashion there is a lot of talent, which has allowed the public to have access to the diversity that different designers offer. Talking about fashion in Spain is talking about Ágatha Ruiz de la Prada and her style, designer from Madrid with more than 30 years of experience. Meet her!

Agatha was born in Madrid in 1960, her father was a prestigious architect who built a large number of buildings in Madrid and who was also an art collector; while her mother is a Spanish aristocrat, which is why Ágatha has two noble titles Marchioness of Castelldosrius (with Grandeur of Spain) and Baroness of Santa Pau, which she gave up to become a businesswoman. From what could be said, that art and style come from home and in his blood. Also, she studied fashion design in Barcelona.

His first steps in fashion were taken working as an assistant to the designer Pepe Rubio. But, his real careernte began in 1981 when he launched his first collection and entered The mforget from Madrid.

The style that frames the seal of Ágatha Ruiz de la Prada is unique and unmistakable; is indisputably rooted in color and art. His pieces are sculptural and hyperstructured, many of them have been exhibited frequently in museums and galleries around the world.

On the other hand, she has been a designer with such a broad vision that she has built almost an empire, since her production has not focused solely on fashion, but has also extended to other areas such as decoration, stationery, glasses. , perfumes and even accessories for pets.

She is a woman who has always opted for color and that is considered enemy number one of black, because he thinks that color has therapeutic effects and of course benefits those who wear it. In Ágatha’s universe, play, strong colors, polka dots, stars, stripes and hearts predominate. She states: “Clothes can make you happy orsgraciado”. Referring to those trends that can make women suffer, such as heels or complex pieces.

One of the peculiarities is that Ágatha does not design for a specific type of woman, she designs and makes art for one who identifies and decide to take it. Also, one of the characteristics of this designer is that she is always dressed in her brand.

Finally, today with more than 30 years of experience, in 2017 he received the national fashion design award. In recognition of her career and contribution to the world of fashion, as described by Mario Vargas Llosa: “Ágatha Ruíz de la Prada has invented a world full of color, grace and mischief that has something of a fairy tale, the magic of the circus and childhood fantasies”. If you have the opportunity to buy any of his pieces, do not hesitate, fill yourself with color and Agathícese.