In Malaysia, the Asian continent, the Taman Negara tropical forest is locatedIt is estimated that it is about 130 million years old and is one of the great natural wonders of the world. Its flora and fauna have evolved through the centuries without alterations and far from natural catastrophes.

It was declared a National Park in 1983 and extends through the states of Terennganu, Kelantan and Pahang, occupying an area of ​​4,343 square kilometers, in the heart of the Malay Peninsula. It has more than 10,000 species of plants and more than 200 species of mammals worth admiring in their natural habitat.

To get to the jungle you can depart from Kuala Lumpur, Jerantut, Kuala Tahan and Sg Relau. The best thing to do is hire an excursion from Kuala Lumpur by bus and then continue by boat across the river. You can also take the full tour by busalthough it will take several to get there.

Before visiting Teman Negara, it is important that you take into account some recommendations that are vital for your safety. One of them is not to put your feet in the mud since it is common for leeches to adhere to it, which is not a very pleasant experience.

Another very useful recommendation is to bring enough cash to cancel the restaurants in the area, since it is the only way they accept. Also, take enough supplies and the medicines you may need, insect repellent and basic material to treat wounds, because there are no pharmacies, and the most you can find is aspirin.

To stay, the best area is the town of Kuala Tehan, located at the entrance to the park and which will allow you to travel by boat, crossing the river that separates the town from the entrance to the jungle. In Kuala Tahan there is almost all the accommodation offer, you will also find floating restaurants and some small shops. Hotels are simple and affordable, with basic rooms.

The Mutiara Taman Negara Resort is the only one of medium category and has individual wooden cabins and an excellent restaurant bar. This hotel allows you to enjoy monkeys, tapirs and other animals passing through the terrace. It also has a building with shared rooms and a camping area, where they will rent the tent and everything you may need at a very affordable price.

Well, if you are an adventure lover, Taman Negara is the ideal place to vacation. In its jungle live tigers, leopards, elephants, tapirs and wild boars, although the chances of seeing these animals are remote since they do not usually approach areas inhabited by humans.

You can do endless activities in the middle of nature, such as descent of the river rapids by boat, «trekking» in the jungle, night safari, fishing, night walk through the jungle, animal observation posts and wonderful baths in natural pools. Among the recommended adventures for tourists is walking through the longest suspension bridges in the world and visiting a tribe that lives in the middle of the jungle.