The natural beauties of Venezuela They are many and varied, capable of making those who visit them fall in love. Do you want to know more about the captivating landscapes of this country, its imposing rivers and mountains and its great diversity? Join us to discover what are those natural beauties that Venezuela offers and that you should know.

Caracas is the capital of Venezuela and is located in the north of the South American continent, it has an area of ​​916,445 km², and according to the World Bank, for its last census carried out in 2017 it had a population of 31.98 million. Its main activity is oil extraction, for which it has been recognized worldwide as a rich country, but not only does it have this non-renewable natural resource, but it also has fertile soils that could be the basis for a diversity of crops that guarantee the food security of its population, including the possibility of exporting them to other countries.

Likewise, Venezuela has stood out for its iron and aluminum industry, and with its variety of natural resources, it has a tourist potential that, if well managed, could bring great income to this country, which has developed considerably in recent decades. , although it is currently stalled by the difficult humanitarian situation it is going through, as a result of circumstances that are not relevant to explain in this article.

This development is greatly favored primarily by its excellent geographical position and a privileged climate throughout the year, which make it have a great wealth of plants and animals, with a range of impressive landscapes, including beaches, mountains, savannahs and even dunes. , in addition to its various artistic manifestations, cultural baggage, architecture and gastronomy.

Therefore, reader friends, never leave Venezuela out of the list of your probable tourist destinations. This endearing country is located on the northern coast of South America, and its capital, Caracas, could be the first place you should visit, to enjoy a world-class cosmopolitan city, where you can take a tour of the historic center of the city, the Cable Car of Caracas, the Boulevard of Sabana Grande, the University City of Caracas, the Parque del Este, the Zoos, among others.

It should be noted that the University City of Caracas is the main campus of the Central University of Venezuela, which was declared a World Heritage Site by UNESCO in 2000. This institution is characterized by the avant-garde design of Carlos Raúl Villanueva. , who stood out through a contemporary architecture that was accompanied by a set of paintings, sculptures, murals, and other plastic arts distributed throughout the university.

On the other hand, the modernity of this beautiful city is indisputable, with sectors where you can better appreciate the atmosphere of progress and modernism. Such is the case of the municipalities of Chacao and Baruta, where there is a wide variety of European-style shopping malls, beautiful plazas, nightclubs, etc.

Following the tour of the various places you can visit in Venezuela, we move to the well-known tropical island of Margarita, cataloged as the pearl of the Caribbean, whose tourist development made it the destination par excellence for recreation, shopping, enjoyment of wonderful beaches, among which stand out: Playa El Agua, La Restinga, El Yaque, Punta Arenas, Playa Moreno, La Caracola, Pampatar, Guacuco, El Tirano, Parguito, Playa Manzanilla, La Galera, Playa Caribe, among others.

On the other hand, the Los Roques archipelago is well known internationally, which is located in the Caribbean Sea, 168 km north of La Guaira, and has some exceptionally beautiful beaches. In 1972 it was declared a national park, due to its beauty and ecological importance, an enormous expanse of calm sea, as well as the existence of keys, lagoons, and beaches of white sand, of coral origin and crystal clear waters of wonderful colors, which create a landscape that impacts those who visit it for the first time and are captivated by its charms.

They must travel to this archipelago on yachts or private flights in small planes, in order to enjoy a paradise that consists of some 50 different islands, of which the most important is «El Gran Roque», which in turn is the only one that can be seen. It is populated and where the airport, the cabins and some residences for those who work there are located. In addition to Gran Roque, small islands such as Crasqui, Nordisqui, Francisqui and Madrisqui stand out.

Among the keys, “Cayo de Rasquí” stands out, which according to connoisseurs is the closest thing to a private island; or move to Cayo de Agua, which is a desert key with crystal clear waters with nuances of impressive colors.

But not everything is beach, sun and sand, because if you are looking for a cooler climate and mountains, you should move to the northwest of the country, to meet the Venezuelan Andes and the beautiful colonial city of Mérida, which is considered the city with the largest tourism development of Venezuela, because it has wonders that other countries do not have. It is a relatively small city, which has a preserved colonial center, the second highest cable car in the world and a spectacular mountain range with incredible vegetation and a pleasant climate.

In addition, Mérida is characterized by having very warm people, variety in places of tourist interest such as Los Chorros de Milla Zoological Park, Plaza Las Heroínas, Colonial Art Museum, Los Conquistadores Park, La Isla Park, Beethoven Park, as well as many other sites of interest.

Likewise, Mérida is surrounded by typical small towns that preserve their colonial architecture, such as San Rafael de Mucuchíes, Jají, Santo Domingo, Piñango, among others, which are an important tourist attraction in the area. Likewise, Mérida is a city very close to the Sierra Nevada, a National Park where there are peaks with perpetual snow, such as Pico Bolívar, the highest and largest mountain range in Venezuela.

Continuing our journey, we arrive at Coro, the oldest city in Venezuela founded in 1527, and which was declared a World Heritage Site by UNESCO on December 9, 1993. However, a heritage emergency was decreed in the year 2005 and was included in the list of World Heritage Sites in Danger, which was mainly due to government carelessness.

Another of the great attractions of Venezuela is the Gran Sabana, which is a natural region located in the south of this country, where you can see the oldest geological formations on the continent. The Canaima National Park is located there, located in the Bolívar State, which was established on June 12, 1962 and was declared a World Heritage Site by UNESCO in 1994, being considered one of the most beautiful places in the country. .

In this park is the lagoon of the same name, from which you can see spectacular waterfalls such as Hacha, Golondrina, Wadaima and Ucaima, as well as 3 tepuyes known as: El Nonoy-Tepuy on the left, Kuravaina-Tepuy on the center and the Topochi-Tepuy to the right.

It is worth mentioning that the color of the water, completely reddish, due to the large amount of minerals it has, is one of the things that most attracts the attention of this park, as well as the sand, because it has a soft pink color. due to the amount of quartz found in the area.

There is also the Angel Falls, considered the highest in the world and one of the wonders of the world. In order to be able to observe the waterfall in all its fullness, you must take an excursion which is navigated for three and a half hours, upstream through the Carrao and then through the Churún, and then you must walk for an hour until you reach the beginning of the waterfall. or you can also opt for a plane trip, although in this way you will not be able to directly enjoy a tour with an exuberant nature.

Another of the parks considered an important tourist attraction for national tourism is «Morrocoy», which is made up of small keys very close to the mainland, which have even been considered by specialists in the field as one of the greatest attractions. Caribbean tourism.

This park is located on the Venezuelan central-western coast, specifically on the easternmost coast of Falcón state, near the towns of Boca de Aroa, Tucacas, Sanare, Chichiriviche, among others. On May 26, 1974, it was declared a national park, due to its great plant and animal diversity, and obviously due to the beauty of its mangroves and the large number of islets or keys where tourists find fun, good weather and beautiful beaches to have a great time. . Among these keys, Punta Brava, Paiclás, Sombrero, Muerto, Sal, Bajo Caymán, Mero beach, Mayorquina, Playuela, Playuelita, Tucupido and Los Juanes, among others, stand out.

The tour can continue to states like Carabobo where the industrial city of Venezuela is located, as well as mountains and beautiful beaches, or the State of Aragua where Choroní, Ocumare de la Costa and Bahía de Cata are located, and we can continue writing describing the amount of beautiful places in Venezuela, but we have run out of space.