The most visited places in France, bring great dividends to this country, which make the tourism sector one of the fundamental bases of its economy. Year after year, millions of tourists from all over the world visit this nation, but mainly the most famous and world-renowned places, such as its capital Paris, where a set of sites with enormous historical and cultural significance stand out.

This country offers good opportunities to enjoy unforgettable vacations, so here are the most visited places in France:

Paris: Obviously the French capital is the first on the list, it is an obligatory reference worldwide, when talking about tourist destinations; where its culture, architecture, history, gastronomy and its tourist activities stand out. This city of love and light has been the scene on multiple occasions for magazines, movies, television, fashion shows, theater, etc.

Undoubtedly we are talking about a city that has emblematic sites, which are among the most visited places in France, such as the Eiffel Tower, This famous structure, inaugurated in 1889 by Gustave Eiffel, is 324 meters high, and is located on the banks of the Seine River, at the end of the Champ de Mars.

It is the most renowned infrastructure in the world and, for this reason, it is very visited by people from all over the world, to the point that annually it is visited by about 7.1 million tourists; which in turn can enjoy elevators, shops and a set of restaurants; and has been the inspiration of world famous writers and filmmakers.

In the city of Paris, you can also visit another of the most visited places in France, it is the Louvre Museumwhich houses 445,000 works in total, including collections of Greek, Egyptian, Roman, Oriental and Etruscan antiquities, as well as Islamic arts, among other religious relics.

The next obligatory stop in the city of Paris is the Arc de Triomphe, one of the most important historical sites in France; representative icon of this beautiful city, which embodies triumphs of the French army, and where emblematic acts have been carried out, such as the passage of the remains of Napoleon Bonaparte on December 15, 1840.

Mont Saint-Michel: It is the second of the most visited places in France, it is located in lower Normandy, near the border with Brittany; It is a small mountain located at the mouth of the Couesnon River. A bridge was recently built to connect the mainland with this mountain, because when the tide was low you could only get there on foot, and when the tide was high you had to go by boat.

Palace of Versailles: This infrastructure was the residence of the French monarchy of past centuries; and is made up of a series of luxurious buildings and impressive gardens made in the Baroque style. It has great historical value, because the Treaty of Versailles was signed there, which ended World War I in 1919, being declared a World Heritage Site by UNESCO.

In 1992 it became a recreational complex with 2,230 hectares, which has many attractions, such as Big Thunder Mountain, Crush’s Coaster, Discovery Arcade, among others. It also has hotels, bars, restaurants, spa and shops. All this makes it one of the most visited places in France; and the prices of the packages range between 70 and 180 euros.

Mont Blanc and the Alps: It’s one of the most visited places in France, especially for lovers of snow skiing, hiking and mountaineering. Without a doubt, visiting the highest point in Europe is an unforgettable experience, and also demanding, for those who want to climb to the top of Mont Blanc, whose maximum height is 4,810 meters.

For this reason, some of the most important and recognized ski resorts in the world are located on the slopes of Mont Blanc and the Alps; where France and Italy share the top of this famous mountain, which is considered the cradle of Alpinism in Europe; so on your vacation you should not miss out on going to one of the most visited places in France, and certainly one of the most beautiful.

Alsace: Although it is one of the smallest regions, it is also considered one of the most visited places in France and one of the most beautiful. It is characterized because there are many houses with a typical architecture of bright colors that adorn the splendid landscape, where mountains, forests and wonderful lakes abound; reasons why millions of tourists from all over the world visit it annually.

This region whose capital, Strasbourg, is located on the border between France and Germany; which caused many conflicts during the development of World War II. The seat of the European Parliament or the European Court of Human Rights is located there.