Luxury and comfort, two elements that generate pleasure, providing comfort and well-being to all your requirements. This is what all human beings pursue, to live a comfortable and stable life. Science is an ally of luxury and comfort, since thanks to inventions such as: the car, trams and airplanes; you can save a lot of time moving from one place to another.

What would you do without the invention of these comfortable and pleasant elements? It would be a being conditioned to its own inventions, to be able to leave its space as they did in other times.

Today you have at your disposal many elements that allow you to move from one extreme to another such as: a luxurious car of your own, or that bird like a swallow that crosses the sky taking off from the earth; and feel that you fly into the clouds to land in unknown places.

Thanks to the world of science and technology, luxurious airplanes have been designed that open their wings like eagles to stay in permanent flight; and take it to the enjoyment of another earthly paradise. A gift that technology offered to man, eager to feel satisfaction and learn about the world, experiencing the sensation of rising through the air.

Some people with a higher purchasing power have managed to achieve this dream full of luxury and comfort. Their planes are so well equipped that they look like luxury hotels. Among these we can mention: The Boeing 747 its owner is Prince Al-Waleed Bin Talal. A plane with the most extravagant amenities imaginable; and the most curious thing is that inside, it has a throne covered in gold and located in the center.

Another aircraft is the Airbus A340-313X of Román Abramovich, the only Russian tycoon who managed to acquire a large-scale aircraft. It has a gym, sauna, conference room, jacuzzi, restaurant and even a beautiful bar.

Next up is Donald Trump’s Boeing 757. This billionaire made a lot of transformations in the internal part of it when he bought it, adding a private room with a cinema. Furthermore, he added his last name to the outside of the plane, as if to inform the world of his arrival. Trump renamed the plane «The Flying Palace.»

In the world there are ten airplanes conditioned as luxury hotels, among which are: the Airbus A340 of the Sultan of Brunei; and the Airbus A380 of Prince Al-Waleed Bin Talal himself, another plane but more personalized.

If you like luxury and comfort, there are also luxurious planes at your disposal. They will not have the same space and requirements to feel in a luxury hotel, but they are comfortable enough to travel. Enjoy the comfort as if you were a tycoon! Luxury is the vanity of man!