The chinese amulets for good luck they are famous all over the world. Well, it is said that they are objects with a lot of power and magic, capable of providing both protection and good luck. Some are even more effective and can attract all the positive energy we need into our lives.

Without a doubt, the chinese amulets They are one more alternative when considering giving a gift. Whether for our loved ones and friends or simply to use them for our benefit. Although you have to know how to use them, since each one has its particularities. And in addition to taking many forms, they will have a strong purpose and a different meaning for their wearer.

If you are superstitious and want to attract positive energies and good fortune into your life, you will surely want to know which are the best chinese amulets For good luck. Well, join us in finding out below.

Chinese symbols for good luck

Lu symbol

It is the symbol of prosperity. Formerly it meant official salary in China. It is a representation of prosperity in the home, which brings profit and wealth. Although it is said that its effectiveness is greater if it is held in a circle. Since this figure is the representation of coins, which in turn represent wealth.

Its use is recommended in places where you want to attract prosperity and wealth, be it your office, business, or home.

mystic knot

This symbol is considered an amulet and is also one of the best known feng shui symbols. It is made up of six infinite knots that are linked together. It symbolizes endless luck, prosperity and also abundance. So it cannot be missing in the lives of those who enhance good luck and fortune in their lives.

The most commonly used color for mystical knots is red, which in Chinese culture represents happiness, beauty, vitality, and is said to attract good luck, success, and fortune. Likewise, to increase its effectiveness, it can be combined with other symbols, in order to ensure that good energies are always attracted to us.

For example, a mystic knot in red can be used with eight coins to guarantee endless wealth. It can also be used to attract eternal love by pairing it with a symbol of love.

Chinese charms for good luck

chinese coins

They are one of the chinese amulets used in feng shui to attract money. They are known as a symbol of wealth and prosperity. It is also a very common gift in China to wish friends and family financial success. They have a round shape that represents the sky and a square hole inside that represents the earth.

But we must be careful when using it because the number of coins has a strict meaning, let’s see what it is:

  • 1 coin: They symbolize the union of heaven with earth. It should be carried with you, either in your wallet or purse.
  • 2 coins: They attract good fortune to business. They should be placed on the upper part of the doors of offices or businesses, and are joined with a red ribbon.
  • 3 coins: Effective for the union of couples, especially if they are married, effective to avoid infidelity, it is also advisable to tie them with a red ribbon.
  • 4 coins: Not recommended according to feng shui.
  • 5 coins: They offer protection against negative energies and witchcraft, for this they must be placed tied at the main door of the house.
  • 6 coins: To maintain family unity.
  • 7 coins: Used to attract luck.
  • 8 coins: They symbolize luck, wealth and prosperity.
  • 9 coins: They symbolize the fullness of the Universe.

three legged toad

Is one of the best chinese amulets most powerful to attract abundance, prosperity and money. It is also known as: Wealth Frog, Fortune Frog, Chinese Toad, Money Toad, etc. Although its Chinese name is «Chan chu». It represents a three-legged toad with a coin in its mouth.

According to a Chinese legend, this toad feeds only on coins. If we are going through a bad economic time, we must withdraw the coin that is in his mouth. But when the situation changes and we stabilize economically, we must pay it back. So that in this way the fortune never disappears.

It should be placed in the room or office, in a position that seems to jump towards us bringing wealth into our lives.

buddha of abundance

It is also known as smiling buddha or happy buddha and is one of the chinese amulets more famous. With his robust body and wide smile, this Buddha is a symbol of good luck, abundance and prosperity. In one of the representations of him, he is usually identified carrying a cloth bag containing valuable items, food, sweets for the children, whose content never ends. Therefore, having a Buddha at home will attract success, happiness and prosperity.

feng shui bell

In feng shui, wind chimes are said to activate areas where chi has become stuck with ancient energy. They are good vibes attractants by bringing new and healthy energy, and in Chinese culture they are also believed to attract fortune.

They are usually hung at the main entrance of the home, since their resonance and vibration attracts all the positive energy, through the air that circulates inside.

In addition, they are good for energetically cleaning spaces and bringing them to a more energetic state. With which we can also ward off diseases, stress, apathy. It can also be placed in the car to ward off evil, stay safe and healthy.

Chinese dragon

They are considered the angels of the east and mean good omen and good luck. They are a symbol of imperial hierarchy, power and protection. As well as the forces of nature and universal balance. Having this symbol in our home, office or business will bring us very good luck. As an amulet, it encompasses several meanings that correspond to the nine dragons of Chinese mythology.