Located in the Indian Ocean, in the Bay of Bengal, are the Andaman and Nicobar Islands. Despite being more than a thousand kilometers away, they belong to India, and their capital is Port Blair. The Andaman archipelago has 204 islands and the Nicobar 22. These islands occupy approximately 8,250 km² and have 365,000 inhabitants.

These islands constitute the most prominent tourist area in Indiawith spectacular white sand beaches, crystal clear waters, the most incredible seabeds and landscapes with coconut palms, coral reefs and an excellent climate throughout the year.

You can get there by different means, although the easiest option is to travel by plane, since different airlines offer direct flights from Kolkata, Chenni or Delhi. You can also take a romantic boat trip, which will leave you with unforgettable moments.

Regardless of the method used to reach these islands, it is essential that foreign visitors have a permit known as RAP (Restricted Area Permit) that will give them access to the most touristic areas of the island. This permit is free and is granted both at the airport or at the Port Blair Port.

You must show this permit each time you arrive at a new island or controlled area, therefore, it is important that you have several photocopies, as they may ask you for a copy when buying boat tickets or when registering at hotels. On some islands they require permits that must be cancelled. The Nicobars have restricted access to protect their biodiversity and aboriginal tribes.

Port Blair, the capital, has clean streets, buildings in perfect condition and no begging. In this city there is a wide range of hotels to stay with all the comforts and at different prices.

The gastronomic offer is also very can taste the typical dishes of India, as well as international food and fast food, although it is not usually very cheap and the portions are small.

Little Andaman is an island of beautiful beaches with many waves, without technological advances, where you can buy fresh fruit and fish to live a quiet, relaxed and somewhat primitive life for a day. You can tour this island by motorcycle and visit several beaches and waterfalls, including Kalapathar lagoon, the rock lagoon located at kilometer 14.

The preferred honeymoon island of Indians and foreigners alike is Neil Island. It is a quiet place between Port Blair and Havelock. It can be explored on foot, by bicycle, motorcycle or rickshaw. It is ideal for snorkeling.

Another island that can be explored by motorcycle, bicycle or bus is Havelock. It is the most visited by tourists and Radha Nagar beach is a paradise of white sand, turquoise waters, green palm trees.

The Andaman and Nicobar Islands are a paradise in the middle of the ocean, ideal for disconnecting from technology, the convulsive rhythm of cities and enjoying nature at its best.