Many of us have heard of the signs of astronomical zodiacwhich are associated with animals that represent the constellations, known by the Mesopotamian and Babylonian cultures since 2000 BC, when they realized that throughout each year, these constellations were crossed by the sun.

So, according to the astronomical zodiac there are 14 signs instead of the 12 of the astrological zodiacal wheel that we knowwhich is ignored by modern astrologers, although this model of astronomy was known to ancient Greek astrologers.

This was because the two additional signs, were excluded because they share very little time with Earth’s orbit, and furthermore its inclusion complicated the distribution of all the signs and their elements, unbalancing the mathematical symmetry of the number 12; which makes the management of astrological information more complex.

For these reasons, few people know about the existence of the 14 constellations. Nevertheless, in 2011 the International Astronomical Union specified the position of a thirteenth sign called «Ophiuchus»which had been discussed since 1930. This sign, which occupies position 13 within the signs of the astronomical zodiac, and is between Scorpio and Sagittarius, in Greek mythology is associated with Asclepius, son of Apollo, who was a doctor with gifts for the healing of people, and it is even said that he had the power to revive the dead.

The legend about Ophiuchus tells that Hades envied the gifts of Asclepius, and believed that he was a threat to the underworld, which is why he ordered Zeus to kill him, who obeyed, placing him next to a serpent in the sky, becoming the symbol of renewed life. That’s why, This sign is known as «The Serpent Hunter» or «Serpentarius».

The period that includes one of the new signs of the astronomical zodiac, goes from November 29 to December 15, observing that the sun spends more time in Ophiuchus than in the sign of Scorpio; positioning itself between Scorpio and Sagittarius; and sharing characteristics of these two signs with their own.

But, even though Ophiuchus is the thirteenth sign, he occupies position nine within the signs of the astronomical zodiac, being the Rod of Asclepius its element of origin and as stated above, it symbolizes the serpent. On the other hand, the sun passes through Ophiuchus for 17 days each year, from November 29 to December 15; so it occupies almost the entire sign of Sagittarius, replacing its position, which makes it run along with the other signs.

The second of the new astronomical zodiac signs is Cetus, which remained hidden for the last four thousand years, located between the signs of Aries and Pisces, and is represented by a great sea monster, which, according to Greek mythology, was killed by Perseus; when princess Andromeda, she was on her way to serve her lunch.

Cetus is theoretically the fourteenth of the astronomical zodiac signs, but in practice it is difficult to consider it as such, because it remains in the zodiacal line for a very short time. Specifically one day, since your stay begins on March 27 and ends on March 28. The constellation of the southern hemisphere of Cetus, represented by the whale or the sea monster, is in a region known as Water, next to three similar constellations, Pisces associated with fish, Aquarius, which represents the butler and Eridanus, related to the river .

Because, since ancient times, the number 13 was considered to be a bad omen and the period of Cetus is very short, during the renaissance it was decided to divide space into 12 constellations, instead of 14, leaving these two signs outside the astronomical zodiac signs. Therefore, 30 degrees were assigned to each constellation, which gives a total of 360 degrees, in which the sun makes its way through the zodiacal wheel, during a year.

But, the signs of the astronomical zodiac, including Ophiuchus and Cetus, cause the constellations to be distributed in the ecliptic of space, as follows: The first seven signs would be: Aries: April 18 to May 13, 24.5 degrees; Taurus: May 13 to June 20, 36.5 degrees; Gemini: June 20 to July 19, 28.5 degrees; Cancer: July 19 to August 9, 20 degrees; Leo: August 9 to September 15, 35.3 degrees; Virgo: September 15 to October 30, 44 degrees; Pound: October 30 to November 22, 23 degrees.

They follow him in order; Scorpio: November 22 to November 29, 7 degrees; Ophiuchus: November 29 to December 15, 18 degrees; Sagittarius: December 15 to January 19, 33.5 degrees; Capricorn: January 19 to February 16, 29.5 degrees; Aquarium: February 16 to March 11, 22.5 degrees; Pisces: March 11 to March 27 37.5 degrees; and finally Cetus: March 27 (2 pm) to March 28 (2 am)

As you can see, the astronomical zodiac signs start on April 18th with Aries and end on March 28th with Cetus, so you may be wondering what happens to the days from March 28th to April 18th. Quite simply, those 22 days and 22 degrees remaining to complete the 360 ​​degrees are left without zodiacal influences, which is reason enough for modern astrologers not to accept this model of the 14 signs of the astronomical zodiac.