The superstitions about numbers they exist all over the world. While there is no solid evidence that certain numbers are unlucky or unlucky, we still avoid or seek them out, giving them unwarranted importance. In fact, the influence of these superstitions about numbers in us and how they have affected our lives in many aspects.

Perhaps the most logical explanation for the power we give to numbers is based on numerology. A belief according to which, everything that exists can be expressed in numbers and these have a special meaning due to the vibrations they emit or with which they are associated.

However, whatever the reason to explain the origin of these superstitions, what we cannot avoid is that they continue to exist. But, the best we can do is tell you about a little more of the superstitions about numbers most famous. So you will decide whether to believe in them or not.

Superstitions about unlucky numbers

number 13

This is undoubtedly the superstition about numbers most famous in the world. In fact, the fear of this number is so common that it even has its own name, although it is probably difficult to pronounce it: triskaidekaphobia.

The reasons why this number is considered unlucky derive from various sources. One of them is of religious origin, specifically we are talking about the last supper, since Judas the 13th guest would end up betraying Jesus.

Although other references seem earlier and it is also believed that this superstition could be based on a Norse myth. According to which, it is said that a guest number 13 showed up to a party where there were 12 gods, of which one of them ended up dead and this was followed by great destruction.

number 4

In China, Vietnam, Korea, and Japan, this number is considered unlucky, mainly because its pronunciation sounds similar to the word for «death» in their languages. Which is why, in much of Asia, many avoid using this number altogether. Not only in product prices, but also in telephone numbers, flats, houses and a long etcetera so as not to attract death.

However, in Western culture it is considered to be quite a lucky number. Because many things in nature occur in groups of four, such as the cardinal points, the seasons, and the elements of the Earth.

number 9

As with the number 4, in Japan the number 9 is greatly feared for similar reasons. Specifically because its pronunciation is very similar to the Japanese word for torture or suffering.

number 17

Although for Italians the number 13 does not represent bad luck, the same does not happen with the number 17. In fact, since ancient times this has been a number of death and bad luck in Italy. Above all, being Friday the 17th the most unlucky day on the calendar.

Although the reason for this superstition is not known for sure, there are two likely reasons for this fear of Friday the 17th. First, it was Venerdì Santo, or Good Friday, the day Jesus died. And secondly, the number 17 in Roman numerals is written as XVII. So, rearranging the letters it can be written as VIXI, which can be translated into Latin as «I lived». In other words, my life is over and now I must be dead.

number 666

The fear of this number is known under the term Hexakosioihexekontahexaphobia. Without a doubt, this is one of the superstitions about numbers best known from around the world. And it is based on a biblical reference, specifically the book of Revelation, where the Apostle John refers to 666 as «the number of the beast.» Who is generally interpreted as the Antichrist, and therefore has come to be known as a symbol of satan.

So many may be hesitant to see this figure in a product price, a flight number, hotel room number, or even as part of a phone number. Despite this, his reputation in China is different. Well, in Chinese, the word six sounds very similar to the word smooth or flowing, so three sixes in a row will make good luck flow for sure.

Superstitions about lucky numbers

number 8

The superstitions surrounding the number eight bring you luck due to its association with resurrection and renewal. In Christianity, God created the world in six days and rested on the seventh, leaving the eighth day open for renewal and a better world.

This number is also one of the few where Eastern and Western superstitions align; The Chinese celebrate the number eight because it sounds like their word for prosperity. A license plate that includes the number eight is considered lucky, leading buyers to pay hundreds or thousands more for the license plate than one that does not contain an eight. Some Chinese even change their address or phone number to include the lucky number.

number 7

Lucky number seven! It’s the stuff of legends for lottery players and fans, and the universal symbol of Vegas slot machines and jackpots. Wondering where the number earned its lucky reputation? It could simply be due to the fact that seven is alone among all single digit numbers; it is not divisible by anything, including five, which makes it powerful.

It could also be attributed to the role the number seven has played in history, culture, and legend. God took seven days to create the world, the ancient world had seven planets and there are seven seas, seven wonders of the world and seven days of the week. Do you really want luck? Look for the seventh son of a seventh son; he is supposed to have magical abilities, including healing powers and an endless pool of luck.

number 3

The number three is considered lucky for various reasons. First, there is the fact that a man and a woman, a unit of two, can become a unit of three with the creation of a child, giving the number three a bit of magic in everyone.

The figure is also closely associated with the Holy Trinity, which can be found in various forms in many world religions. In Christianity, there is the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit; Hinduism also has its own Holy Trinity; Islam has its three main holy places; and some pagan traditions celebrate the trinity of land, sea, and air that make up the Earth.

This magic associated with the number three has given rise to sayings like «third time lucky» and «third time charm,» both of which suggest that two failures are sure to be followed by success on the third try.

Other superstitions about numbers

lucky ages

Some numbers are associated with superstitions only when they are considered an age. For example, the number 21 has a magical air to it because it is the product of the lucky numbers three and seven. It is also seen as the beginning of a new phase in life, a time when young people need all the luck they can get.

In the same way, some numerologists consider the age of 63 to be unlucky; If you make it past this dangerous place and survive to the age of 64, expect to live a long and lucky life.

Unlucky ages are one of the strongest Japanese superstitions in their culture, which is why they even have a name for them: yakudoshi. For women, these unlucky ages are 19, 33, and 37, while men struggle to get past the unlucky ages of 25, 42, and 60.