Every December 21 the same astrological phenomenon occurs, but with different meanings. The scientist affirms that the Earth is at its furthest point from the star king, so its name, winter solstice, announces the arrival of a new climatological season. Esoterically, it is part of a belief in which the spirit of Christmas descends to earth to bless men and women of good will with abundance, peace and love.

The history of the Christmas Spirit goes back more than 2000 years, with the primordial meaning of celebrating the beginning of the warmest days for the Norse and Celtic peoples. As our planet is at its furthest point from the Sun, from that moment on it begins its gradual approach until the summer solstice, when the Earth is at its shortest distance in relation to our star.

Contrary to what can be believed or thought about the arrival of low temperatures, these civilizations saw with good eyes the phenomenon that occurred in the mother Nature by renewing the trees and their leaves. Therefore, it gave way to harvests with greater abundance.

Additionally, the change of season allowed a variation of the energies to the point of attributing magical properties to the forests, spiritual and medicinal that would be very useful during the harvest months. His belief stipulated that each season has a tree that they would benefit from, in the winter time, the natives used the Yule.

According to the climatic season, the towns celebrated each solstice and each equinox with nature by lighting large bonfires next to their sacred trees to worship their Gods to invoke new and better days. The rituals directed by the priests of nature called «Druids», invoked during the winter, the Spirit of Christmas who received their requests and thanks.

In the year 46 before Christ, the date for the winter solstice was established in the old continent according to the Julian reform or Julian calendar. In the first instance, the December 25thday that coincides with the birth of the messiah in civilizations and religions such as the Egyptian and the Apostolic Catholic.

This decision was proposed by the Roman Emperor, Julius Caesar, in order to establish a more exact calendar. From that reform was created the year leap year every four years. Then he Pope Gregory XIII he established the Gregorian calendar with the purpose of further adjusting the dates on which the solstices and equinoxes occurred, and since then the winter one is celebrated every December 21.

The Spirit of Christmas as we know it today is not very far from reality. For the ancient culturesthe winter solstice had a meaning of life, death and resurrectionnot from the earthly plane, but was considered the moment of the rebirth of the solar gods. For this reason, leave the past behind and live in the present.