Storage Definition (computing)

Storage is the property or ability to store data that an electronic device has. Computers, cell phones, tablets, smart TVs, calculators, video game consoles and other electronic devices have this property, which is very useful not only for storing data but also for processing it.

There are electronic devices that do not have storage capacity of any kind, such as a remote control and some only have temporary storage, since they need some memory to store data while performing calculations or processing data.

Over the years, computer data storage has come down in price. For example, 1 GB of memory in 1956 cost $8.2 million. In 1980, 184 thousand dollars; in 1990 it was $5,200; in 2000 it was $12, and in 2006 it was $1.2.

If a computer does not have storage devices, it is considered a dumb or gregarious terminal (dumb terminal).

Information storage in computers is digital.

Major classification of computer storage

In typical computers there are two types of storage.

– Primary storage: which are the ones that the CPU uses directly (main memory, cache memory, etc.)

– Secondary storage: which the CPU does not access directly, but must be previously stored in a primary one. Secondary storage includes magnetic and optical discs, magnetic tapes, magnetic drums, etc.

Devices or media used to store data

A group of hardware devices dedicated to storing data and by extension managing and searching for it.

For more information see: Storage Devices

Backup storage

The data storage can also be used for backups, for more information see: backup.

Recovering stored data that was deleted

Read the main article here: Data Recovery.

Capacities and storage units

To read about the different storage capacities of different storage devices, read the main article here: Storage capacities.

To read about storage units: byte, megabyte, kilobyte, gigabyte, read the main article here: Storage Units of Measure.

Average historical cost of storage

Cost of storing 1 gigabyte over the years:

– 1980: $438,000
– 1985: $105,000
– 1990: $11,000
– 2000: $11
– 2005: $1
– 2012: $0.1
– 2014: $0.03
– 2016: virtually free of charge.

flash storage

Traditional data storage in computing was on magnetic tapes, magnetic floppy disks, and mechanical hard drives.

In recent years, due to the great advantages it provides, storage has been migrating to the flash method. Currently most mobile devices such as digital cameras, smartphones and tablets use flash storage.

For more information read: Flash storage.

Difference between the file size and the file size on the storage medium

Read the article: File size.

Bibliographic sources:
-Computer Storage
– Patterson, David A.; Hennessy, John L. (2005). Computer Organization and Design: The Hardware/Software Interface (3rd ed.)

Quote the definition: (2018). storage definition – ALEGSA 2018-08-27 url: https:///Dec/almacenamiento.php

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