The need to use glasses it is not something related to age, but rather to visual deficiencies of the eyes and how they harm our quality of life. Our visual organ deteriorates slowly and progressively, so when they appear we do not realize it, because our brain adapts and gets used to these deficiencies. For that reason, we must pay attention to those signs that indicate that we need to have a review with an ophthalmologist. So that it can determine if we should use glasses or not.

What are the signs that you should use glasses?

Well, the eyes are organs that allow us to perceive the world. Due to its importance in our lives, we must be attentive to any visual problem. Although sometimes these seem to be imperceptible. We must pay close attention to those signals that they send us indicating that something is not right. To avoid visual problems it is very important to have an effective visual system.

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The main signs that indicate that a person should use glasses They usually appear progressively. And, as we already mentioned, sometimes they go unnoticed. Unfortunately, when we decided to go for an ophthalmological check-up, they had already advanced significantly and our quality of life had notably deteriorated. To avoid it, it is necessary to know what these signs are and thus consider what you should do to verify if you require use glasses. Read to the end!

Encloses the eyes

This is one of the most common signs. People squint their eyes in order to focus better. The squint reflex occurs because closing the eyes reduces the amount of light that enters the eye, thus darkening what we are seeing and making details appear sharper.

This can become a bad habit, which can cause other visual problems such as strabismus. In addition, the fact of constantly closing your eyes makes expression lines accentuate. Appearing the hated crow’s feet and wrinkles between the eyebrows.

blurred view close up

Another of the main signs that it should be use glasses is blurred vision up close, also known as presbyopia. We can evidence this, when it is being read and the letters are blurred. Similarly, when we are doing something that requires some precision, such as threading a needle.

Blurred vision can also manifest itself when viewing objects. For example, when we do not recognize someone who is about ten steps away from us. This may be myopia.

Astigmatism is also related to blurred vision. But, above all, with the deformation of the objects that we visualize and the little definition of their contour. Making it difficult to see things both from afar and up close. These visual problems are very common, many of the people who must use glasses, they suffer from. An optometric exam is needed to find out what degree you have and thus determine if glasses are needed.

Stretch your arm to read

This is something that we commonly see our parents or grandparents do. They stretch their arm as far as they can to be able to read or see any object. Although we usually see this behavior in older people, it has nothing to do with age. This may be a symptom of eyestrain and use glasses can improve quality of life.

Stretching your arm to read is because your near vision is affected. Therefore, they begin to stretch their arms more and more to separate themselves from what you are reading. This is a very common behavior in presbyopia, which is why it is known as the long arm syndrome.

It needs more light than before

The light that your room, office or any place in your house has is not enough. For this reason, he feels that he must illuminate these spaces even more in order to see better. This is a clear sign that we may be in need of glasses. So you have to keep that in mind.

Can’t see well from a distance

You may have difficulty seeing at close or long distances, causing you to judge distances effectively from objects. Also, it is very difficult for him to see far away or focus at short distances, after working in front of the computer.

frequent headaches

This is another sign that it is probably due use glasses and it is produced by the fact of squinting and straining your eyes. By doing this, the eye muscles overstrain, causing a feeling of tiredness, which is reflected in our head. It is a pain in the front part of the head, in the area of ​​the eyes and that radiates to the back. This is caused by visual fatigue, which also causes frequent headaches, as well as burning, tearing and red eyes.


As we already mentioned in the previous point, visual fatigue causes itching and reddened eyes, as well as dryness. This is due to intense visual work, such as spending many hours working on the computer or reading for a long time in a place with low or bright light.

Other signs you should use glasses

  • Miscalculation of the distance of things, failure in perceptions of nearness or distance.
  • Sore or itchy eyes
  • The eyes tire very quickly and you should stop reading
  • Tendency to get very close to what they are seeing.
  • Difficulty seeing at night.
  • Excessive blinking.
  • Sensitivity to light that causes discomfort in the eyes.

Now what should you do?

If some or all of the signs that we have indicated are happening to you, without a doubt you need to undergo a visual examination with an optometry specialist. With this evaluation you will have a better idea of ​​why you are having these symptoms. In addition, they will be able to indicate the best treatment in your case, such as the fact of having to use glasses.

Now you know that if you have trouble distinguishing the edges of objects, reading from a distance, or seeing blurry letters when reading a book, you should visit a specialist for a visual check-up. Don’t let more time go by, schedule an appointment so they can diagnose you. This way you can solve your vision problem, if you have it or in the best case, rule out any ailment. Remember that the eyes are that window that allows you to enjoy the world, with all its colors. So you should not neglect them.

This article is informative and is not intended to serve as a diagnosis, prescription or treatment of any type of ailment. This information does not replace the consultation of a doctor, specialist or health professional.