Rosemary and eucalyptus are among the most popular plants in natural medicine. Both have incredible properties and health benefits. But, they are also great allies of beauty. Its virtues in skin and hair care are many and easy to take advantage of. Therefore, it is necessary to know what its benefits are and how we can benefit from them. Join us!

Rosemary and eucalyptus their properties

Rosemary is one of the usual plants among the ancient health and beauty remedies. An aromatic plant that is an essential ingredient in natural cosmetics and has cleaning properties for the home.

This plant is very rich in active ingredients. Its main nutrients are vitamins A, B2, B6 and C, and the minerals iron, magnesium, zinc, phosphorus and calcium. In addition, it has a high content of antioxidants.

Rosemary leaves are used, fresh or dried. But in certain remedies the flowers can also be included.

For its part, eucalyptus has been used as a medicinal plant since the eighteenth century. Thanks to the antioxidant, antifungal and antiseptic properties of eucalyptus, this plant is a great ally to calm skin problems such as infections, breakouts or inflammation.

Benefits of rosemary and eucalyptus for hair

hair loss remedy

Rosemary is a great natural solution for those who suffer from alopecia or who want to avoid hair loss that increases during spring and autumn.

Although there are many factors that influence hair loss, rosemary water can help stop it. This has the ability to activate circulation in the scalp. In addition, it is a good natural treatment to accelerate hair growth.

capillary stimulant

Rosemary is, in general, a stimulant for the body. In the same way, by applying rosemary water to our hair, we can also improve hair that is too straight. With rosemary we gradually improve the texture, shine and structure of the hair.

On the other hand, eucalyptus oil has multiple regenerative properties that stimulate hair growth. Likewise, it is an ingredient that also helps increase its elasticity, making it much healthier and more resistant hair. Stimulates the hair and scalp follicles. Simply massage a small amount of eucalyptus oil into your scalp and repeat on a regular basis to help your hair grow healthy.

A eucalyptus shampoo will make the hair look much brighter, because its active natural ingredients favor the shine of the hair, thanks to its vitamins and nutrients.

sebum regulator

Rosemary water allows us to regulate sebum, especially when we have oily hair or roots. In this way, we avoid products that, in the long run, dry out and irritate the scalp.

Likewise, eucalyptus cleanses the scalp in depth, eliminating impurities and annoying fat.

Prevention of gray hair

By stimulating the hair follicle, rosemary also promotes hair pigmentation and prevents gray hair. The most benefited are brown and black hair, since the use of this plant progressively darkens the hair.

Benefits of rosemary and eucalyptus for the skin

remove stains

Eucalyptus defends the skin from photoaging and environmental damage, so infusions of its leaves are ideal for treating blemishes and unifying facial tone. If you want to take advantage of its qualities, apply a few drops of eucalyptus oil to the pigmented area before going to sleep and begin to notice the changes after the second week of use.

Tonic against flaccidity

For a long time, women have been using rosemary water to have a firm, rosy and youthful complexion. Rosemary water as a tonic, therefore, is a good remedy to combat flaccidity, paleness, and wrinkles.

Relieve wounds and bites

Whether to repel insects or to relieve bites, burns or wounds, eucalyptus is an excellent antiseptic and antibacterial agent for the skin. Simply apply the clean leaves of the plant on the affected body parts and remove after 15 minutes with cold water compresses.

Instant skin revitalizer

Rosemary water has a quick effect if we want to improve a tired face. It is ideal to use in the morning if we want to avoid a sleepy face.

clean the grains

In addition to cleaning the epidermis in depth, eucalyptus makes pimples and pimples disappear faster from the face. Thanks to its components, they reduce inflammation and kill infections caused by bacteria and viruses.

natural antioxidant

Rosemary has a high antioxidant power, thanks to the fact that it is rich in flavonoids. This is why it fights the damage that free radicals do to us. It is an excellent natural anti-aging treatment and a good remedy to soothe the skin after sun exposure.

Balance excess sebum on the skin

Eucalyptus produces a mattifying effect on the face. This balances the production of fat, providing an incredible sensation of freshness. The best way to use it to fulfill this purpose is through a purifying mask, with eucalyptus leaf puree and aloe vera, whose benefits will leave your face without excess shine.

Preparation of rosemary water

Rosemary water is an infusion made from the leaves of this medicinal plant that allows us a comfortable and effective application on hair and skin. We will prepare it as follows:


3 tablespoons (45g) dried rosemary leaves

2 (400ml) glasses of water

How do you prepare?

Bring the water to a boil in a pot. As soon as it starts to boil, turn off the heat and add the rosemary. It is extremely important that the plant does not boil. Then cover the pot and let it rest for 10 minutes. Finally, strain the infusion and let it cool down.

How is it used?

We can use rosemary water as a topical remedy on the scalp or skin. When applying it, we will perform a gentle massage with the fingertips to activate circulation. We’ll let it dry. To see results you have to do it regularly. We will start by applying it once or twice a day for at least a month. To notice its benefits we must have patience, since the result is not immediately visible.

As you can see, rosemary and eucalyptus are excellent allies for the beauty of our skin and hair. In addition, they are very easy to use. Have you ever used these plants for medicinal or aesthetic purposes? Tell us how you have used it and what do you think of its benefits.

This article is informative and is not intended to serve as a diagnosis, prescription or treatment of any type of ailment. This information does not replace the consultation of a doctor, specialist or health professional.

Explicit or implicit recommendations on drugs, techniques, products, etc., are cited for informational purposes only. The use of this information is carried out under the exclusive responsibility of the users.