Intimacy is essential for any couple, For this reason, romantic massages are considered a true aphrodisiac that promotes sexuality, filling the intimate encounter with tranquility and relaxation. Reinventing yourself is a key word in the couple relationship, this is how the woman and the man must look for new methods of complacency and apply them to their partner so as not to lose that essence that characterizes them at the beginning of the relationship and fall into monotony.

Faced with this scenario, what better ally to seduce the couple, increasing bodily sensations, releasing stress and opening the door to sexuality than romantic massages. To carry out these massages, the first thing that is needed is to choose the ideal place, which could commonly be thought to be the bedroom, but experts say that it is better to move away from the comfort zone and look for new places of relaxation.

Likewise, it is necessary to have some elements on hand to make the evening much more romantic and tempting for your partner, among them we highlight soft music, candles, wine and aromatic salts. Here are the instructions to do the best romantic massages for your partner:

One of the most famous massages is the body-to-body, in which scented oils must be applied and the bodies of both rubbed, making circular movements and pressing on the back and neck area, this friction is really exciting and invites to go a little deeper each time. This type of massage is a really intimate encounter that should be animated with music and a little wine, the place that is chosen for it can be adorned with red rose petals to create the ideal romantic atmosphere.

If what you want is to be a little more histrionic and be able to experience great emotions, we recommend the artistic massage, in which hypoallergenic paints are placed on the skin through a sensual romp. Thus, through the caresses, the couple is invited to play with the paint and the erogenous parts of the body, managing to awaken a set of sensations as the brush runs through their bodies.

Now, if what you are looking for is greater sexuality, you can opt for a massage for this purpose, in which the couple must be naked, the man face down and the woman on top of him, and the to touch all the erogenous zones very gently, to the rhythm of the music, then comes the time to turn around and face each other, both bodies touch and feel, leaving their imaginations open so that through their movements they can enjoy that intimate encounter and their sexuality.

It is of the utmost importance that couples take advantage of these unique moments, which do not have any kind of waste for men and women, on the contrary, it reaffirms the love between them. Leaving stress aside, romantic massages allow reinforce the intimacy, sexuality and vitality of the couple from a whole.