Categoría Zodiac

What are non-executable files?

Name: Luis – Origin: Dominican Rep. Visitor Question or Comment: What are non-executable files? Response from Non-executable files are all those that do not fall under the definition of an executable file. Executable files are binary files whose content…

MMORPG Definition

(Massive(ly) multiplayer online role-playing game). MMORPG is a genre of role-playing video game (RPG) in which a large number of players interact with each other in a virtual world. As in all role-playing games, players assume the role of a…

20 Characteristics and Personality of Scorpio

Characteristics of the Scorpio sign LOCATION: EighthPLANET: PlutoCORREGENT: MarsWater elementQUALITY: FixedANIMAL: eagle and scorpionNATURE: FeminineSEASON: AutumnCOLOUR: Green, black and redMETAL: Iron and platinumSTONES: palo, ruby, topaz, carnelianFLOWERS: Orchid, Gardenia and DahliaOPPOSITE AND COMPLEMENTARY SIGN: TaurusNUMBERS: 3 and 9LUCKY DAY: Tuesday…

What does login ID mean?

Name: Grecita Montoya – Origin: Peru Visitor Question or Comment: What does login ID mean Response from The login ID is the same as saying: login ID, username, nick or user. It is the identification that we will use…

Aries woman and Pisces man

How to improve the couple relationship: Aries woman – Pisces man The Aries-Piscean bond is good, though not ideal. It is a couple that has to fight to stay afloat, although with the ideal conditions it can be achieved. Not…

20 Characteristics and Personality of Leo

LOCATION: FifthPLANET: SunFire elementQUALITY: FixedANIMAL: LionNATURE: MaleSummer seasonCOLOUR: Orange and goldMETAL: GoldSTONES: Ruby and diamondFLOWERS: Sunflower, MimosaOPPOSITE AND COMPLEMENTARY SIGN: AquariusNUMBERS: 1 and 5LUCKY DAY: Sunday Proud, ambitious, dominant, temperamental, passionate, they like to be admired, sometimes presumptuous. High self-confidence.…