Purple Diamonds: What You Need to Know About Them

Among the rarest varieties of precious stones, purple diamonds are one of the most outstanding, possessing a remarkable color that differentiates them from white or colorless diamonds. These, like other colored diamonds, are among the most sought after by those who love diamonds. Since approximately every 10,000 mined diamonds only 1 is colored.

However, in the case of purple diamonds, we are facing a color that has a special meaning. Well, it is a hue that has always been recognized as the color of royalty, which is why many nobles proudly wear purple clothing, jewelry and accessories, and display purple decorations in their royal chambers. So given this association it is not uncommon for many people to consider buying purple diamonds and they are gaining popularity in the jewelry world.

If you love jewelry as much as we do and want to know a little more about these fascinating and beautiful gems. So, we invite you to continue reading, to discover what makes them so special besides their color.

What are purple diamonds?

Purple diamonds are fancy colored diamonds with a purple (between red and blue) or violet hue. So these diamonds will be classified according to their levels of color intensity, from a faint purple to a deep, dark purple. Although, they can have a secondary tone such as pink, red, blue or gray. These diamonds can be divided into two categories based on the secondary tone present:

  • Diamonds with secondary shades of pink and red are labeled ‘Purple’
  • Diamonds with secondary shades of blue and gray are labeled ‘Violet’

However, most are on the lighter end of the spectrum, making those that exhibit a strong purple hue rarer, more valuable, more sought after, and of course much more expensive.

Why are purple diamonds this color?

Purple diamonds differ from white or colorless diamonds in their remarkable hue or color, a characteristic that is influenced by the atomic structure of the mineral. In colorless diamonds, for example, it is made up exclusively of carbon atoms that will be nearly colorless.

However, naturally colored diamonds are the product of certain minerals they come into contact with during formation, gases beneath the ground, or other foreign materials that appear or form near the site of rough diamond development.

Specifically in the case of purple diamonds, these owe their color to the high concentrations of hydrogen to which it is exposed as it forms. The longer hydrogen is present near the rough diamond, and the higher the hydrogen concentration levels, the deeper its purple tint will become.

Are purple diamonds real?

The most common diamond that can be found is the white diamond. And just like the white diamond can be made artificially, so can the purple diamond. But, keep in mind that a purple diamond occurs naturally just like a white diamond or any other colored diamond for that matter.

It is always important to ask the seller if the violet diamond is of natural origin. Sometimes a purple diamond can be a white treated diamond. It is always a good rule of thumb to ask. That way you will know exactly what you are buying.

Other Names for Purple Diamonds

Like other naturally colored diamonds, purple diamonds also often go by other names, depending on the jeweler, region, and marketing. Natural purple diamonds are also known as grape diamonds, orchid diamonds, and plum diamonds to name a few. Or, for those with lighter shades of purple, there are names like lilac or mauve diamonds.

Where are purple diamonds found?

Purple diamonds can be found in very few places. One of the largest mines is in Australia. While it’s not the only diamond mine, the purple diamonds actually come from Sybir and Argyle. Most purple diamonds can be found in North Asia.

What do the purple diamonds represent?

When it comes to the color of a diamond, it can have a lot of meaning. White diamonds in engagement bands or even wedding bands are meant to signify your love and devotion to one another. Did you know that purple diamonds can have a similar meaning? A purple diamond is said to be a sign of peace, love, chastity, or even truth.

How rare are they?

Did you know that purple diamonds are at the top of the list when it comes to the rarity of a diamond? Well, they certainly are. Every year around 110 million carats of diamonds are extracted from all mines. Well, only about 2,000 carats of purple diamond are mined, which makes them very rare.

How much are these diamonds?

When it comes to a very rare diamond, the price only goes up. With the demand for diamonds, the price can become even more expensive. A violet diamond can cost around $6,000. That’s at the low end of the market. Some purple diamonds can even fetch a whopping millions of dollars. This is due to how rare the diamond is.

Note that the configuration the purple diamond is in will cause the price to fluctuate as well. It’s good to choose the type of setting you want when shopping for a violet diamond.

Most famous purple diamonds

Purple diamonds are often held to very high standards. The color represents wealth, royalty, power and ambition. Let’s take a look at 3 of the most famous purple diamonds in history.

1. The Royal Purple Heart Diamond

This stone is a 7.34 carat Fancy Vivid Purple diamond. It is currently the largest known Fancy Vivid Purple diamond. The gem originated in Russia and was entrusted to the Julius Klein Diamond Corporation to be cut. The best feature of this diamond is its beautiful heart-shaped cut that brings out its true color.

As investors like to remain anonymous with their purchase, the current known location, owner and value of the diamond is unknown.

2. The Ultimate Purple Star Diamond

Unfortunately for diamond enthusiasts and investors, the exact details of the stone remain unclear. All that is known about this diamond is that it weighs between 2 and 5 carats and is perfectly round in shape.

Despite its comparatively smaller size, its captivating color is what makes this diamond so popular. It is said that the color of the diamond can show different shades of purple depending on the angle from which it is viewed.

3. The Violet Argyle Diamond

This stone was revealed to the world in May 2016. The diamond was originally found in the rough at 9.17 carats, but was cut into an oval shaped stone at 2.83 carats. Although a normal cut of a stone results in between 40% and 60% loss, the Argyle Violet had 69% of its raw stone cut. This level of polishing was necessary to expose the true beauty of the stone.