Aquarians can have two completely antagonistic personalities, one is shy, patient and sensitive, the other can be lively, anxious, and hide behind an appearance of apparent frivolity, but his force of conviction and honesty are values ​​rooted in those who are governed under this sign; they show an interest in collaborating with others but are cautious in making friends, when they make the decision to make friends or love someone they will give themselves completely, being faithful to the bond of friendship and love that will unite them forever; Predictions for Aquarius this year are shaping up to be positive.

This will be the year of opportunities for Aquarius, they will be able to make those projects that they have kept in their heads for a long time a reality, the influence of the planet Saturn will allow their goals to materialize, for example, having a child, doing some kind of remodeling in home, develop intellectual and artistic work such as writing a book.

Despite the fact that the first months of the year may have some inconveniences in the labor area, where your income may be reduced, the last seven months will be very prosperous, luck will be in your favor, Jupiter, the Great Benefactor he will be on your side, you will receive promotions and recognition, you will be successful in your proposed goals that will improve your current position.

In health, you should be careful with excess consumption of drinks, fried foods, sweets and junk food, your liver can be affected by the transit of Jupiter. Watch your weight and stay on track with exercise and healthy eating.

For the Aquarian, his planet of love is the Sun, the months where there will be greater sentimental activity will be July and August, after two difficult years due to broken commitments, traumatic divorces or problems in his marriage, this will be a year of calm, there will be no rush to force relations, he will let time heal the wounds, his focus will not be guided to force love situations; friendship will flow harmoniously, it can be a year of celebrations, parties and toasts, although you will prefer to share much more with your inner circle of friends to strengthen fraternal ties and enjoy common interests.

At the family level you can be calm, at home peace will reign, you may even feel bored, but take advantage and dedicate yourself to rest, to read, to share good meals with your family, meditate on what can improve the atmosphere of your home, you may impulsively feel like taking a trip to the beach or the mountains, to accompany that air of spirituality that overwhelms you; those aquarians who have children will be able to reconcile their differences reaching points of coincidence, relationships will focus on a win-win for parents and children;.

Our recommendation is not to force the barrier, let everything flow, broadly speaking, you will have a year with the balance in your favor, your experiences will be more positive than negative, calmly enjoy a wonderful year 2017.