Precious stones for rings: discover which are the best

There are many gemstones for rings within the world of jewelry. In fact, we are talking about up to 200 types of natural gemstones and a good number of synthetic stones as well.

However, with so many types of stones, when choosing just one for our ring or someone else’s we must think a lot. Since in addition to personal tastes and styles we must also consider the durability and the meaning that we want this piece to have. After all, rings are a very personal piece of jewelry and the meaning can add a lot of value to a piece of jewelry that we will wear with pride. Especially when it comes to engagement and wedding rings.

If you are looking for the perfect treasure to wear on your finger or that of that special someone and you don’t know where to start. Then we invite you to read on to find out which are the best gemstones for rings and why you should consider them.

Top 10 Gemstones for Rings

1. Diamond

When it comes to gemstones for rings, diamonds are a classic, which is why many choose them for engagement or wedding rings. This is not only due to its brightness and beauty, but also because it is the hardest gemstone in the world with a value of 10 on the Mohs time scale. So it will not wear out over time and will maintain its brightness and intensity for life.

This makes them the perfect way to symbolize the eternal love we have for a loved one. Because just like true love, this crystal will stand strong over time.

2. Emerald

Emerald gemstones are full of meaning; they symbolize successful love and the rebirth that comes in spring. They are also the birthstone for the month of May.

What makes them ideal as one of the ring gemstones is their attractive green color and the fact that they have a hardness range of 7.5 to 8. So they are durable enough to be worn for any occasion. However, they are slightly softer than diamonds, so rings with the stone should be removed before doing any activity that could cause scratches.

3. Ruby

The main characteristic of the ruby ​​​​is the intense and delicious red that symbolizes passion. So daring brides will love the vibrancy of this jewel, which is also the birthstone for July.

Another reason to consider rubies as one of the precious stones for rings is the fact that we will not have to worry about their useful life either. Since it has a hardness rating of 9, which means its hardness is close to that of a diamond. So you can wear your ruby ​​ring on a daily basis without worrying about damage or scratches.

4. Sapphire

Sapphire is a gemstone typically a deep, rich blue color. But it can also come in a variety of bright colors including pink and purple. If you are looking for an alternative to colorless diamond, you may consider white sapphire among ring gemstones.

Another detail to keep in mind when it comes to sapphires is the fact that it is the birthstone for September and signifies wisdom. But it also symbolizes truth, sincerity and trust. On the other hand, if we talk about hardness with a value of 9 on the scale it is the same as rubies, it is an extremely durable stone.

Because of this, turquoise makes great statement rings as opposed to rings worn every day.

5. Moissanite

Moissanites are similar to diamonds in many ways: they rank 9.5 in hardness, are colorless, and sparkle beautifully. They are so similar to diamonds that people mistook them for diamonds when they were first discovered.

In addition, thanks to its incredible refractive index, which by the way is higher than that of the diamond, it will remain shining for longer between cleanings. Well, it does not get dirty or oily as quickly as other gemstones do. So it is not difficult to understand why it is one of the most preferred gemstones for engagement rings.

6. Tanzanite

Tanzanite stone is rare as it is only found in Tanzania. Tanzanite stones vary in color; some have more purple hues while others are more blue. No matter what the beautiful stone’s hue, many believe the stone has calming qualities.

December’s birthstone is softer, hovering around a 6 to 6.5 on the Mohs scale. Because of this, users should be careful when wearing the ring on a daily basis, as it can be easily scratched.

7. Pearl

Pearls are timeless. Unlike all other gems, they are created in a living creature. The pearl symbolizes purity and is the birthstone for the month of June.

Pearls have a low value of 2.5 on the Mohs scale, which means they are very soft. Protect pearl jewelry, users should keep the pieces away from other jewelry that may damage the pearls. Furthermore, pearls are not meant to be an everyday piece of jewelry, but rather are saved for special occasions.

8. Morganite

Morganite stone ranges from pale pink to peach tones, making it ideal for pairing with a rose gold or silver band.

Morganite gemstones have gained popularity over the years as a replacement for diamonds in engagement rings. In addition to the beautiful pink color, the stone is suitable for everyday wear, falling at a 7.5-8 on the Mohs scale.

9. Amethyst

For lovers of purple (and those born in February), amethyst is one of the perfect ring gemstones. With shades that vary from lavender to darker purples.

In terms of its durability, the amethyst has a value of 7. So it is like the emerald in that it can be worn on a daily basis if the user is careful.

10. Turquoise

Turquoise gemstone is unique as it is opaque in nature. The blue-green hue of turquoise has decorated jewelry for centuries. Because of this, turquoise makes great statement rings as opposed to rings worn every day.

However, turquoise ranks around a 5 on the Mohs scale, as it is a softer stone.

Without a doubt, rings are one of the most popular pieces of jewelry. So many of us will wear a ring at some point in our lives, either to symbolize marriage or simply as part of our personal style. So, now that you know which are the best gemstones for rings, it only remains to decide which one best suits your style and personality.