Petroleum jelly for eyebrows, does it really work?

desde petroleum jelly to coconut oil, many rely on the properties of some everyday products to grow eyebrows, but do they really work? Let’s see if petroleum jelly with its many benefits for the skin can make eyebrows grow or if it just stays on the list of products that serve to condition them. Read to the end!

What is petroleum jelly?

Petroleum jelly is a petroleum-based product that has a wide range of uses in skin care. These include hydration, wound healing, protection of the skin from environmental elements, reduction of friction, and physical barrier function. Like other oils, petroleum jelly works for dry and dehydrated strands, providing hydration. Plus, it can help alleviate pesky peeling and even other topical skin conditions like psoriasis and eczema.

Does petroleum jelly work for eyebrow growth?

In this regard, experts point out that it is unlikely. Since there are no scientific studies showing that it actually works for eyebrow growth. Although it is not useful for having abundant brows, petroleum jelly can give our brows a more beautiful appearance. By making them look fuller because it can cover each strand and make them appear thicker.

It can also work as a brow gel, helping them stay in place.

Eyebrow hair grows through a regular growth cycle, just like the rest of the hair on your body. The eyebrows actively grow for about three to four months. They then go through a resting phase, after which the hairs are shed from the skin.

Specialists recommend that if you are suffering from overly plucked or sparse eyebrows, the first thing to do is to let them grow without plucking. Also, you can try a completely natural oil, which helps by nourishing the hair follicle and accelerating the hair renewal process, to obtain thicker and fuller eyebrows.

How to apply petroleum jelly to the eyebrows?

Bearing in mind that while Vaseline will not help your eyebrows grow, it is a good product to make them look good, so it is convenient to know how to apply it. Many makeup artists debate whether to use it before or after makeup.

But, regardless of that, for its application you should use a small amount and preferably apply it with a tool, such as a swab, an eyebrow brush, and even the wand of a mascara that has run out. The first thing to do is to comb the eyebrows with a clean brow brush or mascara wand, then take a small amount of petroleum jelly and comb the brush upwards.

Is petroleum jelly safe to use on eyebrows?

While petroleum jelly is considered safe to use topically, it is a derivative of petroleum refining and is also a blend of mineral oils and waxes. So precautions should be taken to make sure not to apply it too close to the eyes.

Potential side effects of using petroleum jelly

Applying petroleum jelly to your brows can create the illusion of moisturized and hydrated hair and skin, but it could cost your pores to clog. Being water repellent and not soluble in water, it creates a barrier that prevents moisture from penetrating the skin.

So even though initially, you can feel an instant gratification from hydrated and smoothed brows. Long-term use can prevent moisture from reaching hair follicles and skin, ultimately leading to dry skin and eyebrows. These clogged pores can lead to acne.

Other ways to grow eyebrows

Whether due to genetics, poor nutrition, clogged pores, hormones and aging, eyebrows can stop growing. But regardless of the reason why your brows are not growing, there are some simple ways to get there.

Massage the eyebrows

Our brow experts agree that rubbing your brows every night can do wonders for real growth. “Good circulation is important for healthy hair growth,” says Bailey. “Think about it: each follicle is attached to a small blood vessel called a derma-vessel. By gently massaging the forehead area each night, you can help increase circulation to that area to promote hair growth. “

stay hydrated

Healthy and hydrated skin is essential for hair growth. By providing your body with large amounts of water, in this way you can properly detoxify and maintain all the proper nutrients. In addition to drinking plenty of water throughout the day, it is important to topically moisturize the brow area.

We often neglect the skin under or around our eyebrows. To give it proper care, you just need to put the eye cream around the entire eye, including the brow bone.

Apply castor oil

Castor oil is widely used to stimulate the growth of both eyelashes and eyebrows. Castor oil can be a safe and affordable home remedy. Additionally, it has been used for years to treat a variety of conditions, including hair loss. While there have been no scientific studies showing that castor oil can regrow hair, it is a low-risk remedy that can help you have thicker, fuller brows.

Stop plucking your eyebrows

The most common reason why many people cannot grow their eyebrows is because they pluck even when it is not necessary. By prematurely plucking hairs, the natural growth cycle is interrupted and can damage the hair follicle. Additionally, repeatedly and excessively pulling eyebrow hair can stunt the cycle and lead to semi-permanent hair loss.

Trim your eyebrows

Instead of grabbing the tweezers, trim the brows properly. If your brows are too long, brush them up and trim the tips, but make sure you do not cut them too short. You can fill in with a pencil or gel of your choice to create the illusion of more fullness.

Ultimately, petroleum jelly is not a proven solution for eyebrow growth. But, it can make the brows look fuller if you are looking for a quick fix; otherwise, it is better to use an eyebrow serum. Remember, if you are experiencing severe brow hair loss, it is best to speak with your doctor to find a long-term solution.

This article is informative and is not intended to serve as a diagnosis, prescription or treatment of any type of ailment. This information is not a substitute for consulting a doctor, specialist or health professional.

Explicit or implicit recommendations on drugs, techniques, products, etc., are cited for informational purposes only. The use of this information is carried out under the sole responsibility of the users.