Considered by the Mayans as a sacred stone, obsidian came to occupy a special place in the origin of the Mayan world, because according to them it had been created by the beautiful god Xibalbay; which is why Mayan ethnic groups such as the Cakchiquel of Guatemala used this stone to represent and venerate it.

But his admiration for her and the influence it had on the Mayan culture did not end there, because this stone emerged from the interior of mother earth; It was after jade, one of the most decisive in the construction of his legacy. Although they came to work metals such as gold and copper, and even made alloys; According to the archaeologist Fernando Bustamante, obsidian, named by the Spanish as the metal of the Mayans, was one of the most important materials used by them.

Its importance lies in the skill that they were acquiring to work it and the versatility of uses that they came to give it, including among them the elaboration of weapons, war objects or cutting, farming and hunting tools; with which they were able to work wood, bone or meat; being with it, capable of transforming everything around them.

In addition to these uses, it was common to see obsidian in medicinal tools, ceramics, vases, vessels, plates, and ritual objects. But given the importance that personal aesthetics had for the Mayans, they also used it in adornments such as: earmuffs, necklaces, earrings and masks that accompanied luxurious and complicated costumes.

However, beyond the practical use obsidian had, the Mayans also attributed magical powers to it. They believed that it could cure kidney conditions and gave them protection against evil forces by acting as a mirror that returned these influences to their origin..

Another factor that gave great relevance to obsidian was the abundance of reserves they possessed, which is why it was also part of their wealth and sustenance, becoming one of the most commercialized products with the peoples of the Pacific coast. Having in the cities of Tehotihuacan and Tenochtitlan in Mexico; San Martin Jilotepeque, el Chayal and Ixtepeque in Guatemala are the most important sources of it.

Despite the fact that many years have passed, as part of the Mayan legacy, the exploitation and elaboration of various obsidian objects continues today, in areas close to the deposits that still exist. Being Tehotihuacan, a city with prominence and tradition in the making of figures with this volcanic glasseven having its own international fair that has been held annually for more than 40 years.

Definitely, there are plenty of reasons to understand why this sacred stone had such importance and influence in the Mayan culture; In the same way, many people around the world share their fascination and charm for obsidian, something that multiplies with the diversity of colors that we can find in it. Are you able to resist its beauty?