Its majestic landscapes, its animals, plants, and even precious stones, are just a sample of what nature can offer us. However, capturing the essence of the world around us is only possible if you combine passion for beauty and diversity, together with technology and creativity.

This is how, since a long time ago, different ways of exhibiting the beauty of nature have been created in a piece of jewelry, using mainly precious stones. While some of these are well known as diamond, sapphire or emerald, there are other little known that also transmit the force of nature. Check out two of them below:

  1. Fulgurite: Fulgurites are formed when lightning strikes the sand, in either beaches or deserts. Sometimes, they are referred to as petrified lightning bolts. The tubular structures are formed when the high heat of the ray melts and fuses the quartz sand to form silica glass and its color will depend on the composition of the sand.

They could look like carrots or tree roots underground and vary in size from a few centimeters to several meters long. The forms are dictated by the path of the lightning. They are often hollow because intense heat literally vaporizes the material inside. The interior is glassy due to rapid cooling after the strike.

It should be noted that when fulgurites are softly touched, a wind chime sound is heard. Each sound is unique to fulgurite. If you are scientifically inclined towards this field or simply love unusual jewelry, we suggest you purchase one of these.

Fulgurites are relatively rare. These strange formations are spectacularly beautiful wrapped in wire, and this work transforms it into a precious jewel taken from nature.

Jewelery designer Carol Stanyon from “Gentle Swan Studio”, wrote about some special pendants she designed for a client whose yard was struck by lightning on the day her father died: “This lady found round glass beads from green to black, clusters and some classic fulgurite tubes. ”

  1. Volcanic glass: also known as obsidianthis gemstone is not a proper mineral, since it has no crystalline structure, being a natural glass that is formed by the rapid cooling of the silicate rich lava, which has been extruded from a volcano.

The rapid cooling does not allow for the growth of the crystal. Lacking a crystalline structure, it can become sharp and pointed tools. This property was exploited by ancient communities to make arrowheads and knives. Even today, it is used in cardiac surgery because its sharpness surpasses that of surgical steel scalpels.

Its physical appearance is transparent, translucent, reflective and bright, its color can vary, ranging from black to gray and also shades such as coffee, green, violet and sometimes blue, depending on the thickness of the piece and the field from which it comes. .

Without a doubt, these two precious stones show us that the beauty of nature is found in everything that surrounds us. Therefore, we invite you to take them with you and discover the power of nature melted into a jewel.