Most Common Angel Signs You Shouldn’t Ignore

Although many of us receive signs from the angels at important moments in our lives, most of the time we overlook them, mainly because we do not know what they are. So knowing them can help us understand the message or help they want to give us.

Let us remember that we are surrounded by angels, although these cannot be seen with the naked eye, because they are on a spiritual plane different from ours. So we will not be able to interact with them directly as we would with a person. But that does not mean that we cannot communicate with them and the angelic signs or signs will be the way through which they could do it.

However, this could happen to you, so if you want to take advantage of the wisdom of these beings of light, you will have to learn to recognize the signs of the angels. Here are fourteen signs that angels are near and that you should pay attention to.

1. White feathers

It is said that seeing a white feather is a sign that an angel has visited you. When you see a white feather, pick it up and put it in a special place. This is a gentle sign that just lets you know that the angels are present. You will often notice a white feather at a time when you are under stress or feel completely alone. Seeing this sign is an assurance from the angels that they are always there to protect you and provide support if you need them. You are never alone in the world.

2. Angel numbers

Since angels exist on a completely different spiritual plane, they could never speak to us or show themselves as a human being would. Instead, they use other signs to show you what they want. An angel number is a number that you keep seeing over and over again.

The angels know that you probably wouldn’t think too much about a number you only see once. Because of this, they will send you the same number over and over again until you pay attention. Among the most common numbers that angels send we have:

number 111

This number is a sign that a new opportunity is opening up. There is a chance to instantly manifest what you want if you stay positive and work towards it.

number 222

This is a reminder to stay positive. It assures you that you are already on the right path in life.

number 333

This number is connected to the Ascended Masters. It is a reminder that they are there for him if he ever needs to contact them.

number 444

This number is a reminder of an angelic presence. Your guardian angels surround you and they are there to give you support.

number 555

This indicates that a big life change may be ahead of you.

number 666

This number means that you are throwing your thoughts out of balance by putting too much emphasis on the material side of life.

number 777

This number shows that miracles will happen in your life if you allow it.

number 888

This number represents financial success. It shows that there may be a future change in your financial affairs.

number 999

This shows that a cycle or a phase of your life may be ending. However, do not be afraid. With the right attitude and a little work, the new stage that opens in your life will be even better.

number 000

This is a reminder that the Creator loves you and is always present to support and guide you.

Even when you don’t feel like they are there, your guardian angels are always around you. They want to support you as you work towards your divine life path. Pay attention to the numbers you see. If a number keeps repeating itself wherever you go, it could be one of the signs from the angels.

3. Animals

If you were walking and suddenly saw a fox, it may be one of the signs that an angel is nearby. Angels and the spirit world often use animals as intermediaries. They are more connected to other realms, so it is easier for them to listen to the angels and do what the angel asks.

4. Flashes of light

This is another of the most common angel signs. Suddenly you may notice the light shining out of sight. You can see flashes of color. If there is no apparent reason for these flashes of color or flashes of light, they may be a sign from the angels.

Each color is said to be connected to a specific attribute or angel. Green is supposed to represent harmony and power. It is also the color of the archangel Raphael. The color orange is related to optimism and warmth. This is also the color associated with the Archangel Gabriel.

5. Coins

Coins are not just good luck, they could also be one of the signs from the angels. Many celestial beings will leave a coin like a penny when they are taking care of someone.

When you see a penny lying on the ground, pick it up! This coin is a gift from the angels. Your angels wanted you to know that they are there to support you. It is also a sign of your leadership. You’ll often find angel pennies in odd places around your home, like on your welcome mayo or in the only seat on the bus.

6. Rainbow

He was thinking about the angels or wondering if he is on the right path in life. Suddenly, she looks outside and notices that a rainbow has miraculously appeared after the storm. This rainbow could be a sign from angels or other spiritual beings. It is a way for them to confirm their presence and remind you that they are always there for you.

7. Angel Shapes

Without a doubt, this is another of the most common angel signs. You notice shapes around you, and some are unusual enough to pay attention to. Keep your eyes open because you may notice a shape in bubbles, clouds, or anything else. These angel signs are just a reminder that the angels are there and love you.

8. Angelic voices

Some people are lucky enough to hear angels speak to them. Normally, this is not a loud conversation or voice. Instead, it almost sounds like he hears a faint whisper. It almost sounds like the wind, but you can almost make out words in the whisper.

Sometimes angels avoid sound altogether and communicate through your thoughts. Perhaps you were thinking about a problem or a question. Suddenly, the exact answer appears in your mind. You may have thought of the answer, but the answer could also come from the angels.

9. Fragrances

Another common angel sign is smelling an unusual odor. You walk into the room and suddenly notice an amazing floral scent. Or you notice an odor that seems extremely familiar. Angels typically prefer floral or woody scents. They use their fragrance to make you notice something or simply to comfort you with their presence.

10. Dreams

In waking life, angels cannot just show up and talk to us. Fortunately, we are much more receptive to its presence when we sleep, since we are more open and relaxed. In this state, the angels can give you support or advice.

However, they may not appear as angels in your dreams, so pay attention. Try keeping a dream journal every night and write it down as soon as you wake up. Later, you can review your dreams to see if they may contain an answer to your problems or questions.

Also read the meaning of dreaming with angels.

11. Signs and advertisements

You may not notice a feeling or thought that the angels are trying to send, but you are much more likely to notice a billboard. Sometimes an advertisement like a billboard is a way that the angels can communicate with you.

They often use this technique to answer a question you may have about something. After your question, you may see a sign or advertisement that offers a clue as to what to do. You just have to be paying attention to understand what the angels are trying to tell you.

12. Butterflies

Most angel signs often occur in the natural world. In particular, this potential sign is usually sent by an angel or by a loved one who has passed away. It is an indication that your loved one or your guardian angel will always be close by. Seeing a large number of butterflies at once is a sign of gratitude and prayer to your guides.

13. Temperature changes

It feels like a normal day, but suddenly you get goosebumps on your arms. Her hair stands up on the back of her neck like a child feels. Or her head and neck begin to tingle because the temperature suddenly seems so much warmer.

When the temperature suddenly changes for no obvious reason, it is because the angels are present. They just want to remind you that they are always there to give you a hand if you need it.

14. Pets and babies

Pets and babies are much more sensitive to the spirit world than adults. As he gets older, he is basically taught to ignore the signs from the angels.

Because of this, young babies are much more intuitive and better connected to the spiritual realm. Even some babies can even see angels. You can notice this when they look happily at a place where there seems to be nothing. When angels are present, babies and pets will be calm, relaxed, and happy.