Recognized as the number 1 silver in the world, Mexican silver is an investment for life that will make you look elegant, safeguarding the quality of the garment you have chosen. The most prosperous deposits in Mexico are in the cities of San Luis Potosí and Taxco, the latter called the World Silver Center.

This precious metal is recognized for its physical and chemical properties, marking a fundamental era in the development of humanity. The silver industry is based on 70%, while the rest is divided as raw material for monetization and goldsmithing. Along with Mexico, other nations of America such as the United States, Peru and Chile follow suit in the mining of silver.

Formerly, silver was used for the manufacture of weapons, utensils and ornamental decorations of great elegance. From the Roman Empire until the First World War, it is said that silver had a fundamental power for humanity. The first record of the use of silver was born in the mines of Asia Minor, an event that occurred more than 3,000 years before Christ.

Silver is valued at different levels of purity. The so-called 1000 Silver is 100% pure, but its easy malleability prevents it from being used for making precious garments, so it is necessary to alloy it with other materials. Following the Silver 1000, there is the silver .950 and .925, since in its constitution corresponds the existence of 5% and 7.5% of copper. Both are the most popular in the fine goldsmith market.

With the annual production of 4,500 tons of silver that Mexico boasts, it is worth highlighting the way in which this activity has catapulted it as an international axis in such a valuable material. Although the prices of a silver garment may seem high, you should also consider that over time, this precious object appreciates, so investing in it is a smart decision.

It is very important to take care of the acquisition of a genuinely Mexican garment. There are certain methods to identify an original piece of Aztec silver. Among them, one way is to rub the jewel with a soft white cloth. If dark traces remain on the fabric, you can be sure that what you have on hand is real silver, specifically sterling grade.

A second way is to smell it, because the sterling class, with a composition of 92.5% silver and 7.5% copper, should not give off any kind of odor.. Otherwise, it means that the metal with which it was alloyed is greater than the amount of silver that garment has.

The third way is with a magnet because, unlike copper, real silver has no weakness to magnetism. If the gem is attracted, it is clear that the jewel is not made of real silver, so your investment will be protected from falling into a garment that is not really valuable.