Going back to ancient civilizations, the use of Jade carries a wonderful meaning for a wedding, and today there is still strong evidence of its magical power.

China has considered Jade as a highly valuable stone, much appreciated above gold, so much so that wearing it is a symbol of blessing, protection and prosperity; in addition to its multiple healing powers. In the same way, it is considered as a participatory axis of great influence and meaning in the loving union between a couple..
For this reason, both in China and in the «Maya» tribe, they adopted it among their premarital commitment acts; being a symbol of union, love, respect and formality; being the man who gives it to the woman as a demonstration of the purity of his love and fidelity.

Once the lucky one receives the Jade, it is recommended that she wear it before, during and after the ceremony, as well as the celebration; since it will help you maintain calm, confidence and serenity on that special day; in which, without a doubt, a host of emotions vibrate. Parallel to this, from the moment the man formally commits to his fiancée, who immediately begins to use Jade; this begins to work on the relationship so that day by day the union prevails and they come to them the power of love, understanding, trust, justice, respect, kindness, among others; extremely necessary values ​​in two beings who have decided to unite their lives and become one being.

If you want to receive each of the properties and influences of Jade in your marriage, first use it with your partner as a symbol of protection and love and equally, place a piece of this stone in each part of your house that will undoubtedly do its powerful work.