Acclaimed by many as «the stone of heaven» because it symbolizes treasuresprestige and wealth for its owners, jade has had the good fortune to enjoy great appreciation throughout the world.

It has stood out for its multiple qualities, such as its great beauty, its range of shades, its extreme hardness, its dense texture, its transparency and the delicate shine that results when polished.; as well as the pure sound that it emits when hit, without neglecting its medicinal properties.

The Mayans used jade as a symbol of good luck and health. They cured kidney diseases with this sacred stone; The Romans also relieved ailments with jade and for that reason, they called it «nephriticus pencil», which means «urinary stone».

Also, in the West, its use dates back to 4,000 BC in Western Asia.. Today it is very popular among Arabs, Turks and Armenians. The Chinese, in the form of a butterfly, use it as an amulet for love.

Its properties are innumerable both spiritual and physical. The effects of jade on the mind promote an increase in concentration that helps to see clearly, achieving calm, serenity and peace. Jade stones are related to harmony and balance of the spirit, which is why they are used so much to harmonize environmentsas well as to balance the body and mind through massage and relaxation sessions.

Some green jades help emotional development. White, on the other hand, is serene and promotes a balanced way of making decisions.. In this process, feelings such as anger and pain, which are born from inner tension, are reduced. On the other hand, it combats depressive states.

Redirect your health towards the queen of gems, and be kinder to your body. Take advantage of all the virtues that are in this gemstone. Wear it as a symbol of good luck and health.