The Curiosities about Chichen Itza They reveal some secrets hidden in this incredible Mayan city located on the Yucatan Peninsula in Mexico. A place rich in history and culture, which despite being very famous in the world, not everyone knows it completely. But undoubtedly many will want to visit at least once in their lives, so if you are one of them. Here we bring you some Curiosities about Chichen Itza that you may not know but that will surprise you and leave you wanting to know this impressive place.

1. There is a cenote under the main pyramid of Kukulkan

This is one of the most recent Curiosities about Chichen Itza. Since the discovery of the cenote under the pyramid of Kukulkan (also called the Castle) occurred in August 2015. It was a finding that caused confusion among researchers, but according to expert archaeologists, the Mayans knew of the existence of this cenote. So they intentionally built the pyramid on it, as they tried to represent the universe in their constructions.

Another interesting fact is that it is the fifth cenote found in the area of ​​the pyramid. The other four are located equidistantly at each of the cardinal points from the pyramid of Kukulkan.

2. The pyramid of Kukulkan has a total of 365 steps

The pyramid of Kukulkan is the most famous and emblematic symbol of the Mayan culture. But what not everyone knows is that it is a pyramid on top of which there is a temple dedicated to the Mayan god Kukulkan. The pyramid consists of four stairs, each with 91 steps that add up to 364, but adding the upper platform we have 365 steps in total.

The huge pyramid functioned as a great calendar. Where each step of the pyramid represented the days of the Haab Mayan calendar. Which surprisingly fits perfectly with the Gregorian calendar, which is the one we use today. In fact, each side represented a season and was used to determine the best times to sow seeds and harvest crops.

3. Chichen Itzá is one of the seven wonders of the world

In addition to having been declared a World Heritage Site by UNESCO in 1988, Chichen Itzá is classified as one of the seven wonders of the modern world. A recognition he received in 2007, according to an international vote organized by the private company New World Corporation. That despite not having the support of UNESCO, it had the participation of more than 100 million people through the internet.

4. The monuments of Chichen Itza were astronomically aligned

The Mayans were devoted astronomers and the movements of the planets had a special meaning for them. Which is evident in how and why they built their monuments. At Chichen Itza, for example, you can see a round-shaped observatory, known as El Caracol. Which was specifically used to measure the positions of the planets and the sun.

5. The main pyramid has smaller pyramids inside it

This is one of the Curiosities about Chichen Itza, which is more interesting. Well, similar to what happens with Russian dolls, the pyramid of Kukulkan, 30 meters high, houses two smaller pyramids within itself. These are pyramids 20 meters and 10 meters high respectively.

The smallest of the pyramids was built between 550 and 800 AD. C., while the second, discovered in the 1930s, was completed between 800 and 1000 AD. C. although it is not known why they were built like this. But it is believed that it was because the first one was damaged or deteriorated over time and another pyramid had to be built on top of it.

There is also the possibility that said structure was created on the occasion of the arrival of a new ruler. As a way to eliminate traces of the previous ruler, thus building a pyramid of greater dimensions.

6. Chichen Itza gets its name from a nearby cenote

The Yucatan Peninsula is known for being full of natural cenotes. And specifically at the north end of this archaeological site there is a large cenote also called Cenote Sagrado. It is believed that it would have been used for sacrificial purposes. Well, this great natural well was considered by the Mayans as one of the main entrances to Xibalba, which is the name of their underworld.

That is why it is believed that the name of Chichen Itza comes from the Mayan words «chi» (mouth), «che’en» (well), «itz» (magician or sorcerer) and «ha» (water). Therefore, Chichén Itzá could be translated as «The mouth of the well of the water sorcerers», in reference to this sacred cenote.

7. The descent of the feathered serpent

One of the Curiosities about Chichen Itza most surprising, without a doubt it is the descending serpent. And it is that the pyramid of Kukulkan was designed by the Mayan architects, in such a way that during the spring and autumn equinoxes, the shadow projected on the sides of the stairs forms the body of one of their deities. We are talking about Kukulkan, the plumed serpent whose head is carved at the foot of the Pyramid.

The rolling shadow, simulating the body of a snake, moves slowly downward as the sun sets until it merges with the snake’s head at the bottom of the stairs. A surreal phenomenon much appreciated by local and foreign tourists.

8. The Sound of the Quetzal

There is an electroacoustic effect that occurs in front of a staircase in the main pyramid of Kukulkan in Chichen Itza. When a person claps, the sound bounces back in the form of a distorted echo and generates a sound that simulates the song of a Quetzal.

This attraction was discovered at the end of the 20th century by the tour guides of the site.

9. Chichen Itza is not completely Mayan

One of the Curiosities about Chichen Itza, and that few know, is that it was not only one of the largest Mayan cities of pre-Columbian times, it was also the one with the greatest cultural diversity. This means that many buildings were built with influences from other social origins. It is believed that the Mayans traded with other groups like the Toltecs, and that is why they were able to bring their own style to the city.