Good that l’orge Neither soit pas aussi populaire que l’avoine, le blé ou le quinoa, les avantages nutritionalnels de cette céréale complète ne doivent pas être ignorés. It is three rich in fibres, vitamins and minerals than selenium and magnesium. It also protects your heart health and diabetes. Vous voulez en savoir plus? Nous allons vous dire quels sont les bienfaits de l’orge qui la placent parmi les meilleurs choix de céréales complètes.

What’est-ce que l’orge?

Elle appartient à la famille des graminées et est l’un des types de céréales les most popular au monde. selon le Whole Grain Councilit is classée comme la quatrième céréale la plus produite au monde, derrière le blé, le riz et le maïs, avec environ 136 million de tonnes produites chaque année.

C’est l’une des plus anciennes céréales consommées dans le monde. C’était une céréale essentielle pour les peasants à l’époque médiévale et elle fait toujours partie de l’alimentation de nombreux pays d’Europe, d’Afrique et du Moyen-Orient que la consomment depuis des milliers d’années.

Il fournit unites a variety of important vitamins and minerals, such as fiber, selenium, B vitamins, copper, chrome, phosphorus, magnesium and niacin.

Quel type d’orge est le plus sain?

L’orge is available sous différentes forms, and you buy semoule, flocons, farine, pearl beads and décortiqués, all of which are considered to be the richest in nutrients.

She is consommée après avoir I removed the outer fiberuse et non-edible shell from the grains, but she is toujours considered as a whole grain, contrary to the perlée. On the appelle “orge décortiquée” it seems that it conserves son et son germe intact, dans lesquels en trouve de nombreux eléments nutritifs.

L’orge perlée est plus transformed et raffinée, ce qui qu’elle ne presente pas certains des bienfaits nutritionalnels. In addition, she cuit plus car son son a été retiré, mais cela supprime également les nutriments et ne fournira pas autant d’avantages que grain décortiqué.

Principaux bienfaits de l’orge

This is an excellent source of fibers

Chaque portion d’une tasse fournit environ six grammes de fibres. The plupart des fibers que l’on trouve dans l’orge sont des insoluble fibres. These studies are in favor of good digestion, glucose metabolism, lipids and heart health.

The consumption of foods rich in fibers also gives you a feeling of satiety, as the fibers dilate in the digestive tube and occupy a large volume of space. Cela means that you will feel plus rassasié after a review, that you pourrez mieux contrôler votre taux de sucre dans le sang et que vous n’aurez plus envie.

Contributes to improve digestion

Les fibers peuvent aider à combattre constipation et la diarrhée en produisant du volume dans le tube digestif, ce qui permet de réguler les seales. In other words, the fibers are also important for maintaining a balance with the bacteria in the digestive tube.

In fact, the soluble fibers of the body «nourrissent» essentially the probiotic bacteria of the intestine, which tend to produce fatty acids in the chain court (AGCC), and buy the butyrate, lequel to the anti-inflammatory and peut effets Aider à traiter les symptômes associated with irritable colon syndrome (SCI), Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis.

Aide à perdre du poids

The fibers increase the volume of a healthy diet without additional calories, since the body cannot digest the fibers, which gives the fibers the nutrients of the beneficial forces for the control of the appetite and the portion of poids.

A study carried out in 2008 revealed that the effects of adults added to the feeding of large amounts of beta-glucane fibers from the body pendant six weeks, the poids diminuait de manière significant, tout comme leur niveau de faim.

Glycemic control

The researchers suggest that the nutrients of the body are beneficial for the control of the glycémie, that which fails to give you an excellent choice for the people who care for diabetes or for all forms of metabolic syndrome, which helps to slow down the vitesse à laquelle sucre est libéré dans sanguine circulation.

The body contains essential amino acids that are the constituent elements of proteins, as well as large amounts of soluble fibers that control the release of insulin in response to the sugar content of the body.

Reduce the level of elevated cholesterol

A dietary regimen rich in fibers is associated with a higher incidence of heart disease, in part thanks to its ability to reduce high cholesterol levels. The high source of insoluble fibers in the body is the main responsible for the benefits for the heart’s health because it inhibits the amount of mauvais cholesterol that can be absorbed by the intestines.

Prevent heart disease

According to known names, the consumption of whole grains in the framework of a balanced diet and rich in fibers constitutes one of the greatest advantages of the body, which is directly linked to the improvement of cardiac health, even qu’à la réduction des marqueurs de risque associés aux maladies cardiométaboliques.

This cereal contains certain nutrients, including vitamin B3, niacin, vitamin B1, thiamine, selenium, copper and magnesium, which help reduce LDL and total cholesterol, arterial hypertension and other facteurs de risque associés aux maladies cardiac.

Fournit des antioxidants

The organization is beneficial for the organism of names made by the content of phytonutrients antioxidants apples lignanes. The foods that feed the wood are considered to be the functional foods that seem to offer protection against a series of maladies degeneratives.

Les antioxidants present dans l’orge It contributes to increasing the serum concentration of enterolactones, which are associated with the control of hormone levels.

Have elevée in vitamins and minerals

The body is a good source of important nutrients such as magnesium, copper, niacin, thiamine and beaucoup of other vital nutrients. She also contributes to the names of functions in the cause of sa forte teneur in minéraux, for example, her care is important for the maintenance of cognitive functions for life, the support of metabolism, the nerve system and the production of red blood cells.

This article is informative and does not serve as a diagnostic, prescription or traitement of a maladie. This information is not replaced by a consultation with a doctor, a specialist or a health professional.

The explicit or implicit recommendations on the medicines, the techniques, the products, etc. sont citées à titre d’information uniquement. The use of these informations is effectuée sous la responsabilité exclusive des utilisateurs.