When it comes to changing the color of your hair, it is important to choose the most appropriate shade according to your age and the color of your skinsince these factors influence your facial features, being able to disguise those aspects you don’t like about your face or on the contrary, highlighting wrinkles and imperfections.

Expert stylists choose copper tones for women between 40 and 50 years oldwhile for the young ones, between 20 and 30 years old, they use blond and caramel colors, since they are considered, in general terms, the most suitable ones for the age. However, the color of your skin is a relevant aspect to take into account.

Women with a white skin tone are favored by blond, brown, red, copper and even black hair colors. On the other hand, women with light brown skin can opt for brown or gray colors, avoiding golden brown, ash blonde and black. For pale skin, the best option is ash colors, while women with dark skin will look spectacular with golden highlights.

While it is true that in the current market, there are thousands of options, from traditional tones or very modern fantasy colors, which are certainly very attractive, considering your skin color is vital to know what the final results will be like. Fantasy tones are able to highlight beauty if they are chosen in a personalized way, since there are many shades of the same color that should be chosen according to the tone of your skin.

In relation to fantasy tones, hair color specialist Roxie Darling from the “Hairstory Studio” in New York states that, when choosing a new color, it is necessary to consider the intensity, the reflections, the brightness and the color of the skin, since they are fundamental factors in the coloring process that will allow you to get the expected results.

It is also appropriate to choose the tone of your hair dye by determining if your skin is warm or cold. A simple way to know what the tone of your skin is, is by observing the color of the veins in your forearm, if they have a blue hue, your skin is cold. On the contrary, if they are green, your skin is warm.

Once you determine your skin type, select the color of the dye. Cold skin is favored by pale blond or golden colors, ash brown, platinum blond, chocolate, bluish black and mahogany red, which will enhance your face and the tone of your skin.

While warm skins will obtain luminosity on the face with tones like the dark brown with reddish reflections, black, golden or caramel blond. Therefore, it is advisable to determine your skin tone before choosing the hair dye to achieve a spectacular look.