Learn about the most important

Here we present the most important properties of the eggplant. Keep reading us.

Rich in flavonoids

The eggplant is also rich in flavonoids, which are particles that favor the quality of food and prevent possible damage to cells, protecting them from different diseases. That is, it protects the body more effectively.

lower cholesterol

Both the fiber and the chemicals found especially in the skin and seeds help keep cholesterol at optimal levels. Some compounds in eggplant inhibit the synthesis of cholesterol in the liver, while others prevent it from oxidizing and sticking to artery walls.

super versatile

Well, we can take it in different dishes and recipes. Whether roasted, in a salad, in pasta, accompanying meat and fish and in many more recipes, both in winter and summer.

Prevents stomach cancer

Various studies seem to support the benefits of eggplant as a preventive of stomach cancer, by inhibiting the growth of tumor cells in this organ.

digestive benefits

This fruit has a water content of at least 92% thanks to this and its fiber content, it is a great ally for digestion. It is recommended for people with constipation, it is also useful to protect the bacterial flora.

antioxidant effect

It is noteworthy that the eggplant contains antioxidant phenolic acids. And for this it prevents the development of cardiovascular diseases and makes the skin free radicals are remedied so that it is increasingly rejuvenated, which is one of the actions of antioxidants and is present in a large amount of food.


It improves memory and brain function, as it contains phytonutrients that prevent damage caused by free radicals to neuronal cells, taking care of brain health.

Prevents bone and muscle ailments

Eggplant, by bringing together folic acid, vitamins and minerals, also prevents bone and muscle ailments, so that older adults need it among their usual provisions.

Ideal for diets

It is low in calories, fat free and has a large amount of water; a cup of eggplant contains only 38 calories, which makes it a perfect food for those who care about their health and want to lose weight.


The most abundant mineral is potassium and it contains almost no sodium, which favors the elimination of liquids and reduces blood pressure (if too much salt is not added when cooking it). This facilitates the work of the heart and supports the eliminative function of the kidneys.

Good for the nervous system

The presence of vitamin B6, B1 and magnesium in significant amounts indicate it to strengthen the nervous system and improve mood. Vitamin B6 is especially recommended during pregnancy, as it prevents gestational diabetes and relieves nausea.

Provides folic acid

Within the nutritional properties of the eggplant we find its contribution of folic acid, it is ideal for the balanced diet of pregnant women.

eye health

Eggplant also contains the antioxidants lutein and zeaxanthin. Lutein appears to play a role in eye health and may help prevent age-related macular degeneration, which can lead to vision loss in older people.

cholesterol in the blood

Eggplant contains fiber and this can help lower cholesterol levels. A 96-gram (g) cup of cooked eggplant cubes contains about 2.4 g of fiber.

Results from a 2014 study in rodents indicated that chlorogenic acid, a primary antioxidant in eggplants, may lower levels of low-density lipoproteins, or «bad» cholesterol, and reduce the risk of developing nonalcoholic fatty liver disease.

Recipes with eggplant

Eggplant lasagna

Eggplant lasagna is an excellent option for lunch, as it is very nutritious and healthy.


  • 3 eggplants;
  • 2 cups of homemade tomato sauce;
  • 2 ½ cups mozzarella or Parmesan cheese;

To season: salt, pepper and oregano to taste.

Preparation mode:

Preheat the oven to 200ºC, wash and cut the aubergines into thin slices and place them in a hot pan for a few minutes to dry them. On a tray, place a thin layer of sauce to cover the bottom and then a layer of eggplant, sauce and cheese. Repeat this procedure until the tray is full. To finish, place a last layer of sauce and a little mozzarella or Parmesan cheese to gratin. Bake for 35 minutes or until golden.

Eggplant for rheumatism

If you suffer from rheumatism or arthritis, you can’t stop adding it to your recipes, since this food has anti-inflammatory and antibiotic properties that can help improve the discomfort caused by these diseases. If you want more noticeable effects, complement your diet with eggplant water in the morning.

Reduce the cholesterol

The components of its skin and its seeds help maintain cholesterol at optimal levels. Some components inhibit the synthesis of cholesterol in the liver, and others prevent it from oxidizing and sticking to arterial walls.

Controls sugar: Eggplant is appropriate for diabetics, since it contains very few carbohydrates, it has a lot of fiber and it reduces the speed of absorption of sugars from other foods.

Eliminate viruses and parasites

According to research carried out by the University of Costa Rica, this vegetable has chlorogenic acid, which can help eliminate or reduce parasites and combat free radicals.

Apparently, if you drink eggplant water, you can take advantage of its anti-inflammatory and antibiotic properties.

Eggplant contraindications

It is not recommended to consume it raw, or even blended, since it contains alkaloids (solanine), which can cause digestive problems and if consumed in excess could be toxic.

People who have suffered from reflux esophagitis or suffer from inflammatory joint disease should consult their doctor before consuming it.