Around the world there are thousands of museums, that are in charge of protecting and preserving not only details of our history as humanity, but in turn are shapers of knowledge and culture throughout the generations. The United States is the country in the world that contains the most important museums, however, in Europe there are the most traditional and cultural museums, since only its construction is a work of art in itself; Let us remember that most of the museums in Europe are old castles or structures that were a leading part of the history of that continent.

The Smithsonian Museum in Washington, United States, is the largest in the world. It is made up of a complex of 16 museums, 10 laboratories and a zoo. Throughout the venue there are more than 135 million pieces on display that detail the history of not just America but the entire world.

At the time of its foundation in 1846 by the English scientist Smithson, it was created with the purpose of disseminating wisdom and knowledge through culture, today its objective is more valid and committed, for that reason its exhibitions are constantly being updated and so on. offer information that is up-to-date with respect to the latest advances and discoveries.

The second largest museum in the world is the Hermitage Museum in Saint Petersburg, Russia. It is made up of six buildings and one of these is the Winter Palace, which was a former residence of the Tsars. A large part of the works exhibited in this place were acquired as a private collection by the tsars several centuries ago to decorate the palace, such as Catherine the Great, who in 1764 acquired a collection of 225 Dutch and Flemish paintings in Belín, which was distributed throughout the palace.

This cultural venue was declared a State Museum in 1917 and it is important to mention that during World War II, its works were transferred to a safe place after the invasion of the German army.

The Louvre Museum in Paris, France; It is the third largest in size proportion, however, it is important to mention that due to the number of works that are constantly exhibited there, it has been cataloged as the most important in Europe and one of the most transcendental in the world.

Its different works of art range from antiquity to the middle of the 19th century, therefore it is very important to have a mapped out route of which collections to visit. Among the unmissable works to be admired in this museum we find: La Gioconda by Leonardo Da Vinci, The Venus de Milo, the Code of Hammurabi, The Coronation of Napoleon by Jacques-Louis David and last but not least, La Libertad leading the people of Delacroix.

The Louvre Palace was a medieval French fortress many years ago and converted into a museum more than two centuries ago. Today, the pyramid of Leoh Ming Pei was incorporated as the new main entrance in 1989, generating a harmony between the medieval structure of the palace and the modernism of this new entrance, both are just a starter of the different exhibitions that will be found within.