The ancient civilization of the Maya had an important cultural legacy and an ancient past wrapped in countless traditions and beliefs that are part of the identity of nations that currently dwell these lands. These groups developed their cultures from mystical, magical and energetic traditions; and were made through jade.

The stone was the object of worship for these people, because Jade granted great powers and virtues. Besides being a symbol of authority and high rank into the social structure, it was respected by all the people.

Mayas used the Jade for its hardness to develop weapons such as swords, axes, etc.; also they used it for making tools and armors, the most outstanding pieces were made for high officials, such as jewelry and chest; but above all, a more delicate work was done in the preparation of the death masks made in mosaic and placed in their funeral ceremonies

These ceremonial masks were the core element of these acts that symbolized the transition to another stage of life, according to the religion. They had the features of the deceased, whose contours were idealized to represent divinity. Jade masks, for the Maya, had to transcend into eternity. The piece also had other materials like the shell of mother of pearl, obsidian and hematite; also associated with the divine.

Among the Jade mosaic masks stands out K’inich highlights Janaab Pakal mask, found in the tomb of this ruler, under the Temple of the Inscriptions in the old part of the city of Palenque, in Mexico. He had more than 200 pieces of jade, mounted on a wooden frame.

Also, another beautiful mask was found at the site of Calakmul in Mexico. It had Jade, gray obsidian and mother-of-pearl; by the ruler Pakal, it is considered one of the most remarkable masterpieces of Mayan jade.

There are many more mosaic masks like those found in Oxkintok, and Dzibanche The Rovirosa (Mexico); all beautiful pieces of jade, which represented anthropomorphic figures.

They have been found 13 Jade mosaic masks, but have not been identified to whom they belonged, except that of Pakal. It remains for archaeologists to locate those names who managed to make their mark in time through these parts.