Before cleaning costume jewelry, it is necessary to determine what component they are made of; since they are made with a wide range of materials, such as stones, crystals, plastics and some metals such as brass, steel, silver, copper; cheaper in composition than fine jewelry. Therefore, they have a delicate surface, with which you must be careful, so as not to damage your costume jewelry and make it shine.

To clean rhinestone costume jewelry, make a non-concentrated solution of dishwashing liquid; use this only on non-porous glass. Apply it with a soft cloth; You can also use a soft-bristled toothbrush until the crystals are clean.

Similarly, for garments with metals, the ideal is to soak them in warm water, with a tablespoon of detergent, using a small brush to remove the dirt. Rinse the piece with water, placing it on top of an absorbent cloth; then dry it with a hair dryer on low heat. You can do this cleaning by placing the jewel in a cup, adding two teaspoons of vinegar, then adding a pinch of baking soda to a brush and gently rubbing, rinsing with warm water afterwards.

Copper jewelry is fragile, so it is not recommended to soak it in water, since liquids react with copper, causing deterioration in the piece. while washing; therefore, you should use dry methods to clean them, one of them is scrubbing the jewel with a brush, until the dirt is removed, to rub with a cloth that will give it shine.

When cleaning costume jewelry with organic materials, it is better not to do it with liquids, it is more convenient to slide a cloth to remove the dust. The patina that comes out over time embellishes these garments, giving them a very particular aged effect, which makes them attractive.

A problem that can be frequent when cleaning costume jewelry is the presence of stains or rust caused by sweat, friction with other jewelry or confinement; therefore, try to remove them as soon as they appear; To do this, you will need to wrap the inside of a container in aluminum foil; adding a tablespoon of salt and another of baking soda, adding two cups of warm water and inserting the garments. This mixture replaces stains with the shine of aluminum; but, you should leave them submerged for several minutes.

It is important to prevent costume jewelry from coming into contact with chemicals such as perfumes, hair styling products and other agents, whose ingredients devastate these delicate jewels. It is essential to store them in cool places, away from moisture, separating them from each other. On the “YouTube” channel “SuperLove4makeup”, they give you tips to protect your costume jewelry.

Costume jewelry is not easy to clean due to its fragile textures; however, applying the precise care and noticing how the materials react, this process will be easier for you. Although these garments are not made of such expensive materials, they will enhance your beauty and style every time you wear them.