A country like Indiafull of history and religious customs, culture, mysticism and legends that permeate the lives of its inhabitants and the millions of people who visit it, of a particular magic, tells its stories from the purest tradition that is found in every detail , each item of clothing, in the symbology that even jewelers use to capture in their hindu jewelry in the best possible way, all that range of elements that the environment, history and traditions demand.

This is how the culture and symbology of this wonderful country have been building a perception of art and life that is distinguished by its elegance and showiness, which is reflected in a particular way in its clothing and jewelry. becoming part of the attitude, lifestyles and behaviors of its inhabitants, who are used to enjoying celebrations that carry with them ancestral religious traditions, in which offerings and symbols are a fundamental key in their development.

In the field of jewelry, India is distinguished by preserving techniques and procedures that date back many years, such as the development of silver filigree, which are ordinary jewelry designs that were made in the time of the Mughals and that Currently they are still made in some areas of this country.

Likewise, in every corner of India the jewelry sector is developed, which is very diverse and is present above all in the immense number of temples and religious establishments distributed throughout its territory, which are generally stamped with jewels, of according to the different religions that make life in India and that are an essential part of this wonderful country.

Entering the subject of symbology Hindu As a fundamental element of jewelry, we must highlight the fact that its meaning is part of each of the important events in the life of Hindus, such as, for example, what the garment called «MaanTikka» means, which is a kind of pomp that is made or made exclusively for brides, and that they will wear on their wedding day, as a special accessory that is part of religious practices, and that is placed by dividing the hair to place in the center of the forehead a beautiful gem.

Another of the typical garments of India is the Jhumkas, which are earrings or earrings, which are used interchangeably by women and men, without any prejudice or criticism, and which have been worn in any social or religious event since ancient times. Likewise, the bracelets worn by both men and women in certain seasons according to the dates on which traditional and religious festivities are held are very characteristic and emblematic.

On the other hand, there is the jewel called «nathmi», also known as koka or laung, which is a ring that is placed in the nose, and is known as a «nose pin». This jewel has also been used since ancient times, and it is said that it came to India with the territorial invasions that took place through the centuries.

Next we have the Har, that it is a necklace, considered one of the most expensive jewels in India, since it includes a varied set of elements of a great culture, for which the designers of this jewel have always taken pains to elaborate them with very particular styles , since they are manufactured by hand in the different regions of the country.

Another of the typical jewels is the Chudi, which is a bracelet made in different shapes and styles, and which is generally made of different materials that make these bracelets look like very striking accessories, whose designs are freer and more varied, depending on the tastes and preferences of each person. This garment is well known throughout the world, and they are generally worn in pairs, most of the time several pairs being worn on both arms.

It should be noted that the materials that are generally used in the process of making this jewel are gold, silver or a combination of both, to offer women a wonderful accessory that is very characteristic of their country and representative of their culture and traditions. .

In this way, women find the opportunity to highlight their beauty and in some cases the extravagance that prevails in some regions, through the use of these jewels, for which color and showiness are important, to highlight the great religious significance that it possesses, to the point of considering it unfavorable or dangerous for a woman to carry her arms unprotected or naked, without the Chudi. Also, in Hindu culture silver bracelets mean strength and gold bracelets represent fortune and riches.

As for the rings that are used in India, we must mention that there are traditional ones, which are called «Angoothi» and that historically have been made in different materials, ranging from wood to crude metal, however, methods and techniques have now changed to provide consumers with more refined garments with various materials including stainless steel.

The “Angoothi” They are generally highly decorated with inlays of small stones throughout, which gives them volume and makes them a very striking jewel that exponentially reflects the traditions of the Hindus, and which are currently recognized throughout the world, thanks to the boom that this industry has experienced in recent decades, managing to become an export product and pieces that tourists take with them after having made a visit to this fabulous country.

Finally, we have the Payal, which is one of those typical Indian accessories that is worn around the ankle, and has been widely accepted in different parts of the world, so it is among one of the pieces that is exported and which has currently been the subject of innovative and creative designs by jewelers, but without neglecting the essence of its tradition.

Therefore, the innovative processes of this type of jewelry cannot exclude traditional elements, since these carry with them high religious meanings for its citizens, who can, through the use of these garments and accessories, make representations of the warriors who since antiquity fought for their independence and freedom, their history and their essence.

It should be noted that this type of accessories, in addition to being a reflection of tradition and history, brings great beauty and value to their wearers, who generally feel flattered to wear garments similar to those of the warriors or heroes they wear on their bodies. They are part of the historical, cultural and spiritual legacy of India, which is why its traditions have been maintained for so many years.

The payal is also known as Pajeb, a name that is used in some towns or regions, and that is generally carried by boys, girls, young women and the elderly women of the communities, to which characteristic elements such as amulets, stones, ornaments of wood, etc., according to people’s preferences and purchasing power.

This is how Hindu jewelry has become famous throughout the world, thanks to its designs, the meaning they carry, their spectacular stones, pearls, the use of silver and gold, a combination that is very attractive to Western cultures. full of very modern and innovative elements, but that are overshadowed by the sight of many people who are looking for something different, that evokes the essence of the human being through stories and legends, that manage to awaken in them the link with divinity.

Hence the boom that Indian jewelry has had in recent years, which today has positioned itself among the best in the world, standing out and being recognized particularly for the quantities of precious gems extracted in their lands, which are used to make true works of art through jewelry that maintain its essence, highlight its history, traditions and its spiritual wealth, which is valued not only in India, but throughout the world.

And it has been precisely because of the mining wealth of India, because of its famous stones and various precious materials, that many billionaire merchants and investors have turned their attention to this land, which has favored the development of different companies that today make a living in India. this country, and that are connected to world markets, generating numerous excavations that in turn have served to find various objects, handicrafts, precious stones, jewels and even gold, belonging to ancient civilizations, which have become part of the valuable heritage culture of this country.

In short, Hindu jewelry is a symbol of tradition, beauty, culture, elegance and a lot of brilliance, a set of elements that are immersed in an emblematic symbolism full of essence and roots, all framed in the bases of different religions that are elemental for the Hindu people. This symbolism represents power, wealth and great spiritual value for those who carry them, especially for women.

For all these reasons, India represents a point of reference for modern jewelry, which, without ceasing to be avant-garde, finds in traditional and religious jewelry the basis for creating spectacular jewelry that can be worn by celebrities, queens, princesses and common people of all ages. all over the world, even more so when one of the characteristics that distinguishes Hindu jewelry is that its elaboration is clearly original, because considering that by making fake jewelry they would be disrespecting the cultural and religious values ​​that have been maintained for thousands of years. .