Acclaimed by many as the “stone of heaven” because it symbolizes treasures, prestige and wealth for their owners, jade has been fortunate to enjoy great appreciation in the world.

It has been stood out for its many qualities, such as its beauty, its range of colors, its extreme hardness, its dense texture, transparency and the resulting delicate glow when polished; and pure sound emitted when struck, without neglecting its medicinal properties.

The Maya used jade as a symbol of good luck and health. They cured diseases of kidneys with this sacred stone; Romans also eased with jade ailments and for that reason, called “lapis nephriticus” meaning “urinary stones”.

Also, in the West, it was used for heart disease. Its use dates back to 4000 BC in West Asia. Today is very popular among Arabs, Turks and Armenians. Chinese, butterfly-shaped, they use it as a love charm.

Its properties are countless spiritual and physical. Jade effects on the mind promote increased concentration helps to see clearly, achieving calm, serenity and peace. Jade stones relate to the harmony and balance of the spirit, that are used both in order to harmonize the environment and to balance the body and mind through massage and relaxation sessions.

Some green jades help the emotional development, so that they relieve the fears and phobias. White, meanwhile, promotes a calm and fair way to make decisions. In this process feelings like anger and pain, born of an inner tension are reduced. On the other hand, fights depressive states.

At physical level, jade stone improves the balance of body fluids; its action is concentrated in the kidneys and strengthens the entire immune system. Also reduces rheumatism, arthritis, gastric discomfort, infections, neuralgia and promotes sleep quality. It contributes to good adrenal function and strengthens the defenses also renews the energies. Jade is a stone that naturally emits negative ions essential for the process of aging and healing of physical ailments. Based on this information, many treatment centers apply this stone in treatments that control and improve the problems of diabetes, stress, osteoporosis, weight reduction, cholesterol, skin problems, spinal diseases and other.

Yellow jade is used against varicose veins, inflammation, chronic or hereditary vein thrombosis. It is very suitable for pregnant women to not keep liquids. Its vibrations are cleaners, because they do not absorb, but repel any negativity.

Redirects your health towards the queen of gems and be kinder to your body. Take advantage of all the healing powers that are in this gemstone. Use it as a symbol of good luck and health.