In the world of divinatory arts there are many types of mancias, but one that stands out, for being one of the oldest and most used, is crystallomancy. In it, the vibration of crystals is used, with the purpose of tuning the spiritual plane with aspects of our lives to obtain the answers we seek, not only from our future, but also past and present; providing us with a guide so that we can make correct decisions in the present, in order to have control of our future.

According to historical records, the origin of crystallomancy dates back to ancient Egypt where priests used rock crystal spheres to predict future events; but it would be in the 16th century when crystal ball reading would become popular, thanks to John Dee, a psychic who would become famous by using this art, to make such accurate predictions that Queen Elizabeth I of England would appoint him a counselor and astrologer. real. Later, the studies of this psychic would deepen, allowing the development of effective methods to induce more accurate omens.

Although all kinds of stones and crystals can be used in crystallomancy, the magical instrument preferred by seers is the crystal ball. This is nothing more than a crystal sphere, which can be quartz, aquamarine, chrysoberyl or obsidian; since they are the materials that best emit vibrations, also considering that it is transparent, totally polished and without cracks, with which greater clarity will be obtained in the observation of the figures, shapes and colors that appear within it.

But despite the strong vibrations that these spheres emit, receiving and feeling their signals is not an easy task; therefore, many hours of practice, discipline and study will be required to achieve a high level of concentration that facilitates the perception of defined images. However, another benefit of constantly practicing crystal ball reading; It will be the sharpening of visual and auditory abilities, with which the person becomes clairvoyant and clairvoyant.

Once this level is reached, some people can get very accurate predictions using the crystal ball as an instrument, but some others can surpass the average skills, not having to use any object, but they can talk to people and at the same time visualize images in your mind.

Now that you know crystallomancy, we invite you to try it and practice it under the tutelage of an expert. Remember that as human beings we will always be surrounded by problems and variable situations, in which we will have to make important decisions that will affect our present and future; but counting on this technique, we will be able to discover some keys and tips that will allow us to make the appropriate decisions at the right time.