Guardian Angel of those born between January 21 to 25

Umabel is the first guardian angel of the Aquarians. His name means «God above all things» and he comforts his natives in times of sadness and anguish. This masculine angel helps to get more softness and tenderness. In this way he favors human relationships and brings together soul mates.

Umabel influences with the essence of friendship and analogy those who can be great friends. There is a difference between affinity and friendship. On the one hand, affinity produces friendship, other times the relationship of these two concepts only causes the sharing of few concerns. But the case of Umabel always speaks of that great friendship.

He is the Angel of connections. He is also the Angel specialist in the search for the analogous. Of what is equal even between what is above and below. Those influenced by these will find it easy to unravel the secrets of everything that exists in nature (minerals, plants and animals).

This knowledge even gives him the ability to make talismans, phytotherapy. How people complement each other and possess human organization skills. The analogy essence allows you to discover the unknown through the known. Observing the material world you will be able to discover the spiritual one.

Characteristics of the protected

How does it help us?

If you are having trouble connecting with others or making friends, invoke the powers of this angel to improve your social life. It will also help you strengthen your bonds with others, especially with your mother. Do not hesitate to ask this angel, who is your patron and protector, for his help and support to improve a brotherly relationship.

If you want to enter the world of astrology, call on this guardian angel and his light will guide you. If you want to develop your awareness or your intuition in relation to your different mental states, your life and the world around you, then he will help you in this search.

It manifests the spiritual powers of water: cleaning, purification, healing, dissolution, rejuvenation, the power to sustain and sustain life, the blessing for the Earth.

Related to goodness and good sense.

This angel is invoked to achieve friendship with someone and carry out good relationships.

Live a life according to divine laws, reconsider those who deviate from the commandments.

It also favors businesses and societies.

The light of this Name defends the knowledge of oneself. It stimulates introspection and self-analysis.

It gives us a great sensitivity to discern the core of issues and the truth of situations.

It gives mental clarity, always showing the essence, the archetype, behind its manifestations.

Water purification is one of the channeling uses of this Name.

How to invoke your guardian angel Umabel?

Umabel’s regency days and hours are March 9, May 21, August 5, October 17, and December 28 between 8:00 p.m. and 8:20 p.m. So you can only contact him on these dates.

Pronounce this prayer to get in touch with your guardian angel with the help of incense or a candle.


UMABEL: God above all things.

May the name of the Eternal be blessed now and forever and ever.

UMABEL: May my passions be, Lord, those of loving you and blessing you.

May my eagerness to build be those of building your dwelling.

That the search in my own entrails has no other objective than to find you

you in me

You are, Lord, my past and my future and only the loss of your love can make me


Do not walk away from me, love me so that those who come to me in search of friendship

can find you in my contact.

Let all my licentiousness be reduced, Lord, to an immoderate desire for you.

UMABEL exhorts:

The Eternal has placed me in this part of heaven to filter passions and so that everything

walk according to the moral law.

In order for divine thought to reign in the world, it is necessary that within you

everything works according to the universal order.

That is why I have put the engine focused on your insides, so that you can put order

in your organs, in your viscera, in your cellular organization.

Your goal should be to march in unison with the divine breath.

Listen to yourself, understand yourself, because in yourself you will find inscribed all the sciences that

they are in the books.

Learn to read your own bodies and with your eyes on your dark matter,

you will discover the source of eternal light, from then and forever, you will have

entitled to the sublime title of Son of Light.