The consolidation of love in the sacrament of marriage, It is one of the most special celebrations that a couple can experience. But just as important as living that special day is to remember it later with each birthday and with special gifts, such as gems for each wedding anniversary.

Without a doubt, each year of marriage counts and traditions give each cycle a meaning that is usually represented with gems for each wedding anniversary. For example, paper weddings that are the celebration of the first year together are represented with the aventurine gem. Aventurine is a quartz whose meaning is taken to represent all the good wishes that weigh on marriages that are just beginning and that are related to prosperity in every way and to the balance of energies in the home constituted by the couple.

The celebration of twenty years of marriage is associated with emeralds. Emeralds are next to rubies, diamonds and sapphires, part of the four traditional gemstones. In the ancient world, emeralds were a symbol of good luck, and this symbology is reflected in wedding anniversaries and in the luck of having coincided with a great love.

The famous silver weddings that correspond to 25 years of marriage are associated with tsavorite, also called garnet. This stone represents antagonistic forces such as energy, strength and at the same time the sensitivity, creativity and patience that are needed in any love relationship.

When a marriage celebrates 30 years of marriage, the celebration must be in style and many symbols are incorporated into it, such as pearls. Pearls are related to purity and love. It is claimed that pearls are the symbol of stable marriages.

Reaching 40 years of marriage is an ode to love. This very special celebration, when the members of the couple probably already have a consolidated family, is associated with rubies. These gems symbolize harmony and a peaceful life.

The sapphire is the gem that is related to the celebration of 45 years of marriage. Like all diamonds, this one is also associated with love and particularly the sapphire, gem of great beauty that is a symbol of the invincible and of what must always remain united.

Golden weddings are as special as they are magical for the couple and for the whole family that has been built as a result of love. The imperial topaz is the stone that symbolizes the honesty, trust and openness that support these unions.

The gems for each wedding anniversary represent the feelings, values ​​and good omens that are supposed to characterize each stage of relationships.. Each year of marriage is represented by a special gemand around it you can plan a celebration full of meaning and romance that feed love.