There are many benefits of meditation: it helps states of relaxation and concentration; it makes you develop different feelings such as compassion, love, generosity, and patience; and improves the state of energy of those who practice it. However, to start this practice you must be clear that it goes beyond finding a solitary place, without interruptions, where we can breathe calmly. Therefore, we must know those first essential steps to meditate properly.

There are multiple meditation options that vary according to the needs and abilities of each person. There are those who need music to carry out every activity in their life, and there is a way to meditate with the most exquisite ballads, it is the Mohammedan practice.

On the other hand, psychotherapists Alberto Pérez and Jeremy Holmes point out that meditating can be classified according to the approach taken. There are some dedicated to perception and others to lived experiences; There are ways of meditating that require the person to focus on a single object or physical image, while others are based on observing different objectives in order to release mental tension.

Chosen the type of meditation to perform, we have to focus on its essential base, knowing how to breathe. According to the way we inhale and exhale, we will achieve the deepest level of relaxation. Oxygen constitutes energy for all our organs, so knowing how to get air to them is extremely essential. The ideal position is with a straight back, we inhale slowly through the nose without moving the chest or stomach, we hold the air for four seconds, and then exhale.

Each organism reacts differently to activities according to the levels of energy and stress in which it finds itself. Therefore, if you start in meditation, it is recommended that it be one of your first daily activities in order to have the greatest possible concentration and benefits. Once the specific time has been drawn, it is time to find a pleasant place where interruptions are not the order of the day and you can be comfortable, with the greatest possible comfort.

Other basic tips when starting to meditate are: take a chair to practice breathing, thus avoiding losing the necessary concentration; and in addition to wearing comfortable clothes, it should be noted that the practices to learn to breathe can be started with just three minutes a day.

Beyond a religion, it brings positive benefits for both mental and physical health. A study conducted by the Wisconsin College of Physicians found that meditating cut the risk of heart attack or stroke in half. On the other hand, the doctor, David Creswell, who is part of the International Society of Psychoneurology, found that meditating positivism and full consciousness are increased, protecting the body to a greater extent from suffering any pain.