Ear pain –

Ear pain can be caused by an ear infection (sometimes called acute otitis media). It is an infection of the middle ear, the air-filled space behind the eardrum that contains the small vibrating bones of the ear. However, children are more likely to get ear infections than adults.

Because ear infections usually go away on their own, treatment may begin with pain control and monitoring of the problem. Sometimes antibiotics are used to clear the infection. Some people are prone to multiple ear infections. This can cause hearing problems and other serious complications.

How can we prevent earache?

“Regarding external otitis, during the summer I recommend taking special care with public swimming pools and worrying about dry your ears well after bathing”, advises Alea Muñoz. In cases of patients with eczema of the ear canals, or children who have tympanic drainage, it is recommended to use custom-made plugs prior to immersion.

“It is not necessary to use cotton swabs, since they damage the mucosa of the ear canal and that, added to the chlorine in the swimming pools and the increase in humidity, result in external otitis,” he adds.

When should you consult the doctor?

The otolaryngologist specifies that when the ear pain does not subside with treatment or if it is associated with suppuration, bleeding or other symptoms such as Vertigo or inflammation/detachment of the pinna (mastoiditis), the patient should see a doctor.


The onset of signs and symptoms of ear infection is usually rapid.


Common signs and symptoms in children include the following:

  • Ear pain, especially when lying down
  • Pulling or tugging on one ear
  • Sleep disorders
  • I cry more than normal
  • Concern
  • Difficulty hearing or responding to sounds
  • Loss of balance
  • Fever of 100°F (38°C) or higher
  • discharge of fluid from the ear
  • Headache
  • loss of appetite


Here are some of the common signs and symptoms in adults:

  • Earache
  • discharge of fluid from the ear
  • difficulty hearing

Risk factor’s

Some of the risk factors for ear infections are:

  • Age. Children between the ages of 6 months and 2 years are more susceptible to ear infections because of the size and shape of their Eustachian tubes and because their immune systems are still developing.
  • Group child care. Children in group care are more likely to get colds and ear infections than children who stay at home. Children in group settings are exposed to more infections, such as the common cold.
  • Infant feeding. Infants who drink from a bottle, especially when lying down, tend to have more ear infections than babies who are breastfed.
  • seasonal factors. Ear infections are more common during the fall and winter. People with seasonal allergies may be at higher risk for ear infections when pollen counts are high.
  • Poor air quality. Exposure to tobacco smoke or high levels of air pollution can increase the risk of ear infections.
  • Alaska Native Heritage. Ear infections are more common among Alaska Natives.
  • Cleft palate. Differences in bone structure and muscles in children with a cleft palate can make it difficult for the Eustachian tube to drain.


Most ear infections do not cause long-term complications. Ear infections that occur over and over again can lead to serious complications:

  • Hearing impairment. Mild hearing loss that comes and goes is quite common with an ear infection, but usually improves once the infection clears. Ear infections that keep coming back, or fluid in the middle ear, can lead to increasingly significant hearing loss. If there is any permanent damage to the eardrum or other middle ear structures, there may be permanent hearing loss.
  • Speech or developmental delays. If hearing is temporarily or permanently affected in infants and young children, they may experience delays in speech, social skills, and development.
  • Spread of infection. Infections that are not treated or that do not respond well to treatment can spread to nearby tissues. Infection of the mastoid, the bony protrusion behind the ear, is known as mastoiditis. This infection can result in bone damage and the formation of pus-filled cysts. Rarely, serious middle ear infections spread to other tissues of the skull, including the brain or surrounding membranes (meningitis).
  • Tear of the eardrum. Most eardrum tears heal within 72 hours. In some cases

Home remedies

Cold or warm compresses

People often use ice packs or warm compresses, such as heating pads or wet compresses, to relieve pain. The same can be done for ear pain. This method is safe for both children and adults.

Place the ice pack or warm compress on your ear and alternate between warm and cold every 10 minutes. If you prefer a single temperature, either cold or warm, you can use a single compress.


Ginger has natural anti-inflammatory properties, which can certainly help soothe earaches. Accordingly, apply ginger juice or heated ginger oil (warm) around the outside of the canal. Do not put it directly into the ear.


Garlic has antibiotic and analgesic properties. First soak macerated crushed garlic for several minutes in warm sesame or sesame oil. Subsequently, strain the garlic and apply the oil in the ear canal.


Hydrogen peroxide has been used as a natural remedy for earaches for many years. Therefore, to use this treatment, place several drops of hydrogen peroxide in the affected ear. Let it sit inside the ear for several minutes before draining it into the sink. Rinse your ear with clean, distilled water.