Today, the climate is no longer guided by the calendar; because there are thousands of environmental phenomena that vary the temperature of the planet at every moment and sometimes we even have two or three seasons in the same day; It’s not like before, a hot summer and a cold winter. Nowadays, everything can change from one minute to another; That is why today we bring you some tips to choose how to dress according to the weather.

Let’s start by advising you on a basic technique for those rare or bipolar times, when sometimes the day dawns cool, but then the heat attacks; the cold returns and then the sun sets on you. For these cases, it is best to dress as «onion», this vegetable is characterized by having layers, the same as you will do with your clothes.

First of all, underwear should be soft and cover most of your body; shirt or fresh flannel, pants of moldable fabric and above all you should make friends with vests, jackets, sweaters and coats. There are many models, the important thing is to choose the one that suits your silhouette.

Warm weather: when the temperature is hot and the heat takes over you, The first thing you should do before choosing your clothing is: think about the color; for example, black and dark colors attract light, that does not mean that you will only choose white; try to combine light tones, pastels, faded, embroidered, semi-transparent garments, with lace, lace or woven. Of course, first study the setting and the occasion; the important thing is not to lose style.

The other aspect that you must take into account is humidity, which not only opens your pores, but also allows your body to swell; causing their «jeans», pants, lycras or t-shirts to fit too much, causing the process of sweating and bad odors to begin. So, it’s time to wear loose dresses and blouses, instead of pieces fitted at the waist. Baggy pants with belts are great, because you can loosen them up if the weather gets any hotter.

Also take into account the type of fabric, woven linen, cotton and bamboo are natural and fresh. Accessories such as hats and glasses will give it a unique and original touch for those hot days.

Cold weather: Dressing in this weather is not difficult, but it does require good planning; the key is to put on multiple clothes to trap the heat that drifts from your body. Synthetic underwear is ideal, as it will keep you dry and thus remove moisture from your skin. Choose thick and warm clothes!

About this cold season, jackets are essential, hats, scarves, socks and gloves are a must. Head, hands and feet must always be covered; because they are the areas where the cold mainly enters. Don’t forget boots and closed shoes! Put these tips into practice and enjoy each season in style!