Dream about presidentDream about president

Dreaming of the president: When you dream of the president, perhaps it is that You are waiting for recognition for a job done. But, others may be thinking that it was only your responsibility. You should not be discouraged, despite everything, it indicates that you are prepared to carry out large-scale tasks and you can get ahead with any project.

Dream that the president talks to us

If in dreams you perceive that the president speaks to you directly, it is the projection of your unconscious detailing your managerial aptitudeit shows you the power you have to advise others in any company that you propose, be it in the popular field, work and even family. You can establish good contacts that allow them to get ahead helped by your diplomacy, kindness and maturity.

Dream that you are running for president

It is a recurring dream when you are in search of greater power that allows you to advance in something that you have undertaken and which is stopped or delayed by decisions that you consider have not been made on time and do not depend on you. It is the projection of your burden for feeling held back in the conclusion of a relevant aspect for your progress. Be patient, everything comes at the right time, do not despair, you will see your plans and projects crowned.

Dream of voting for a president

When in a dream we keep in mind that we vote for a presidential candidate and he wins, it is the omen that you will have to make a significant decision in the near future and it is almost certain that you will face various proposals that will be like a crossroads that can direct you along different paths. Everything depends on your certainty and good judgment to think of the best measure that will take you down the path of success.

Dream of understanding the president

If in your dream you visualize meeting the president and they have a close relationship, it is the clear representation of your longing to live a life greatly recognized, full of recognition and distinction. But, you should prepare yourself first, making a daily work plan that will lead you to your desires. Do not stay in a hidden and repressed thought, which could fill you with frustration.

You may also be citing you dream of becoming president or a prominent manager And power in your professional area. Truly, it is signaling to you that you have the ultimate potential to achieve the projection you yearn for in your life, as long as you work at it.

Dream of meeting the president

If in your dream you visualize knowing the president and having a close relationship, it is the clear representation of your longing to live a highly respected life, full of recognition and distinction. But, you should prepare yourself first, making a daily work plan that leads you to achieve your desires. Do not stay in a hidden and repressed thought, which could fill you with frustration.

You may also be referring to you dream of becoming president or a high-ranking manager And power within your professional area. Actually, it is pointing out that you have the necessary potential to achieve the projection you want in your life, as long as you work on it.

Dream of killing the president

If in dreams you visualize yourself willing to kill the president, it is a referential image with strong symbolic contentIt is the suggestion of your deepest thought of the discontent and the discomfort that already has you constrained and overwhelmed by the excessive demands of the people around you. So it’s a silent way of screaming your exhaustion of abuse What do you think they are doing to you?

Dream of kissing the president

To dream that you are very close to Mr. President, so much so that you can kiss him or even be physically intimate with him, is a suggestive dream image, which indicates, you are enthralled with power and authority within your realm.

You must have a little prudence in your actions, lest it be that because you feel that you have conquered the leader, you have the same right as him. sanity and decorum they can help you Keep calm and do not abuse your fortune. You should consider that everything has a time and a space.

Dream that you are the president

This dream shows a direct concept, It is the reflection of your good self-esteem and that projects that you know yourself well and you have no inner fears that manage to harm your fair to continue in the labor field or popular. Characteristic that is easily reflected in the people in your field and allows you to achieve the missions that you set for yourself to continue in your life. Underpinning a promising future with your good choices.

Dream of a foreign president

At the moment that this kind of dream appears in your moment of relaxation, it is the trace that your unconscious communicates, that you do not feel recognized with the field in which you commonly develop, you are not comfortable with the interrelation with the people who cover you, either in the popular field, work and even family. It is the projection of not feeling that you belong to the group you attend and you urgently want a change.

To dream that we see the president from the front

If in dreams we see the president in front of us, it is a good sign. It tells us that providence, patience, wisdom accompanies us through the moments. It refers to the fact that some major challenges were presented to us, but we have support and the ability to move forward. This dream shows us our role in the social sphere and how we are perceived in the eyes of those around us.

Dreaming that you are a presidential authority

If when you dream you see yourself as a presidential authority, it is the clear reference of your high self-esteem. You know that you are prepared to be able to advise, guide and even maintain leadership in front of a group that requires it. You are ready and willing to confidently assume major responsibilities that enable you and the people you lead to succeed. You see yourself as a leader.