Swinger and polyamory are two terms widely used today that break the monogamy schemes to enter the forbidden territory of polygamy. However, many specialists affirm that the natural state of man tends towards multiple and non-exclusive relationships, as social and religious precepts have imposed. , the couple’s relationships that has become a relationship between life and love. taboo; however, every day there are more people who dare to try and live experiences like these. What do you think about that?

Polygamy as a legal definition, according to the web portal. Definition, speaks of a «family system that allows an individual to be married to several individuals at the same time», whether male or female . This legal possibility is not allowed in the West; Likewise, the Catholic religion, Hinduism and Judaism are also used as a form of coexistence, and conjugal love must be exclusive and therefore monogamous. For their part, the peoples of Islam give all the moral and legal support; However, polygamy does not endorse or cover orgies, partner swapping, prostitution, or casual sexual encounters.

Somehow here is the root of the stigmatization of polygamy in this society because the moral aspect inculcated by religion and western society itself have curtailed the fantasy of miles, who do not have the permission to try an exchange of partners or One day, much less will open to what today, certain people dare to live, polyamory or join a swingers club.

Please, first of all it is good to define or explain what polyamory is and also what it means to be a “swinger”. The topic It is the inclination towards the preference and the practice of relating sexually and lovingly with different people at the same time. . Of course, this must be approved by everyone involved, they must be aware of the situation and accept it. For which, in polyamory, the couple is not the fundamental center, nor exclusivity. It can be practiced by single people, couples and boyfriends, where true feelings are exchanged and involved.

Similarly, it is said that the theme is a way to learn and manage the effect and any sexual tendency or orientation among the people who participate is accepted, in the end the rules are set by said members . In such a way that practicing polyamory increases the possibilities in many ways.

Now, on the other hand it is in the term “swingers”, which refers to people who are still in a stable, legal and official relationship with another, in turn have sexual relations with other couples who also give their consent to carry out exchanges or encounters between them. That is, each party involved must be their acceptance without any imposition, or the sea, all participants by mutual agreement and the sexual act is performed at the same time, in the presence of both partners. By the way, there is no room for deception or infidelity.

These meetings can be held in special clubs, at parties or private events and currently, even through specific applications for it . They generally occur between heterosexual couples, but it is not limiting; Likewise, a sexual act with penetration is not necessary, since it may happen that there are only flirtations, kisses, looks, caresses without reaching anything else. Finally, the type of acts that are going to be allowed or accepted must be previously agreed upon.

The rules that must be followed by members of the practice questions should be large and easy to follow. for What Aspects HOW to achieve v UN Agreement of all the contradictory without pressuring Having the Security of a Practice scammers Healthy people Risk without any sexual level, The Non-emotional involvement, since alone It must be a sexual exchange and the Commitment to have intimacy with the official partner, are some important points that must be accepted as way of relating.

Therefore, you can see the differences between polyamory and the «swinger» modality, and although it is an easier way to have in two. decide to try. In addition, in any case it is not about orgies or promiscuous relationships.

The important thing is that the couple is very clear about the conditions and knows each other very well, because if they are jealous people, deeply rooted in religion or with other characteristics that they do not like to enjoy, then it is possible that the situation occurs. conflict and end up provoking a situation for both.