Speaking of the sunstone, lovers and specialists in gemology argue that the sun’s rays were trapped in it. It comes from the feldspar family and is also known by the name of adventurous feldspar, since some specimens have inclusions of light, which produce a brilliant shine typical of a precious stone. Know the curiosities around this stone.

As we mentioned before, the solar stone belongs to the feldspar family, so it has sodium and potassium; It is an oligoclase variety, which due to its color is associated with the king star: the sun.. When you look closely you will see an orange mass within which small metal fragments can be seen. These fragments come from hematite, on which light is reflected and sparkles.

She can come in a variety of colors ranging from colorless, through yellow, orange to red. Now, what determines the color? The size and abundance of bronze particles within the stone. Which, later, can determine its value, due to the quality and transparency of the adventurescence.

Sunstone has been known for at least a few hundred years and its main deposit is in Oregon (United States), but it can also be found in Norway, Australia, China, Canada, just to name a few. To be used in jewelry, it is cut into cabochons or sheets very carefully, since it will depend on whether it is more or less optimal.

Among the curiosities of this beautiful stone, is that they tend to confuse feldspars with quartz; Even when they have common characteristics, they are different. Both are minerals, but although both are found in the earth’s crust, quartz has a large amount of silica, while feldspars have a greater amount of aluminum. Quartz has higher hardness than feldspar and the colors of feldspars are lighter than those of quartz and are used in different industries.

Another of the peculiarities of the solar stone is that it generates heat, which translates into vital energy, well-being, happiness, this is how its use is related to good humor, friendship and social relationships, thus counteracting depression. It is said that the natives of America used it in their rituals to take advantage of the benefits of the sun in the body; while in India they believed that these stones were pieces of the sun that fell from the sky to give them prosperity and health.

In short, although the solar stone is not found in all jewelry stores along with diamonds, sapphires and emeralds, there are many who would like to own a jewel with it, since this stone will sell better if the jeweler instructs buyers about its effects and the originality of its color compared to the rest.