Clams – –

Clams are perfect for starter in appetizers but also ideal in stews and rice dishes, clams They are a gastronomic jewel without a doubt. Thus, accompanied by a touch of garlic and parsley, its soft flavor flows turning the dishes into a delight.

This mollusk is very similar to the cockle, although it is characterized by a flatter shell. However, he shares with him the nutritional properties, as its high value in iron and iodine. On the other hand, it is important to eat only those clams that have opened during cooking and discard those that remain closed.

Clams Properties

Although there are different types of clams depending on the place that gives them origin and their species, in general these shellfish offer protein above allare very low in fat as well as in carbohydrates and therefore have the ability to satiate the body with low calories.

Among its micronutrients highlights the presence of iron good quality as well as potassium, calcium and vitamins of group B within which predominates the folic acid.

It is a shellfish with low amount of cholesterol compared to others such as prawns for example, but it does offer a minimum proportion of purines.

On the other hand, the polysaccharides present in some clams could have antioxidant and antitumor properties as has been observed in the freshwater clam in a study published in the journal Food & Function.

Unfortunately, as in other marine animals and especially in shellfish, clams also may contain high amounts of arsenic so it is recommended not to abuse them as Taiwan scientists point out.

types of clams

Fine or rail clam: because of the town in Galicia where they are produced, their more or less oval shell has ‘grids’ formed by radial ribs and concentric grooves that intersect and are more marked at the ends. Its color, between white and light brown, varies depending on the sand where it grows.

japanese clam: its shell is dark, between tan, gray and black, with very marked striations that also form very small grids, but more marked than in the grooved carpet shell. Italy is one of the countries where it is intensively farmed.

slimy clam: gray or cream with brown spots, its shape is more oval than fine. It features concentric lines that intersect with finer radial lines, but do not form grids like the previous ones.

Blonde or red clam: its shell is smooth and brighter than other clams, yellow, pinkish-brown or with reddish-brown spots.

What are the benefits of clams?

Clams are low in fat, so they can be used in slimming diets. They are high in vitamins and minerals, mainly vitamin B, potassium, calcium, iron and selenium.

memory aid

These mollusks are very rich in vitamin B12, a vitamin whose deficiency causes memory loss, especially in older adults, so its consumption is recommended from the age of 60, since it is extremely beneficial. It is also perfect to include them in the diet of students and people with Alzheimer’s.

Eliminate cholesterol

Like most shellfish, the clam is ideal for remove cholesterol from the blood «bad». They are very low in fat, but have a beneficial proportion of omega-3 fatty acids, so consuming them regularly helps treat the disease.

Help reduce overweight

If you have a few extra kilos, clams are made for you since they are very light, they only provide 76 calories per 100 grams, and very low in fat and carbohydrates. They also help reduce appetite and speed up metabolism.

iron source

The clams They are very rich in this mineral and consequently are very beneficial for treating diseases such as anemia. Its consumption is also indicated for pregnant or lactating women and also to facilitate the healing of internal ulcers.

They are aphrodisiac

If your couple relations are resentful due to lack of sexual appetite by one of the parties, the clam is a natural aphrodisiac perfect due to its high concentration of zinc and manganese that promote human libido.

As you can see, this marine treasure keeps a whole series of properties inside that make it an ideal food to combat many ills, giving the palate a treat. Go ahead and discover all the benefits of clams for your health.

How to make clams marinara

The usual method for cooking clams is steamed, but clams can also be cooked grilled or fried “with garlic”.

If we decide to steam them, the technique is very simple. After having them soak to remove the sand, we will put two fingers of water in a pot. When it starts to boil, we will introduce a steaming utensil or, failing that, a metal strainer over the pot and cover so that they open.

If, on the other hand, we decide to cook them on the grill, we will put a griddle over high heat with a little olive oil, when the griddle is very hot we will add all the clams at the same time and keep the heat high. We must try to make the plate have enough surface to fit all «lying down». In about 2 minutes, they will start to open. We should not let them cook too much because they will acquire a «gummy» texture. We will stir, from time to time, with a wooden or silicone spoon. We can accompany them with a good squeeze of lemon or a mashed oil, garlic and parsley.

how to cook clams


  • 600g of clams
  • ½ medium onion
  • 1 clove garlic
  • ½ chilli pepper
  • 20 g of wheat flour
  • 1 tablespoon sweet paprika
  • 15 ml homemade fried tomato
  • 10 ml of sherry or white wine
  • 1 bay leaf
  • Fresh parsley
  • extra virgin olive oil


1. We put a saucepan with plenty of water and a handful of coarse salt and add the clams so that they loosen the sand. Let soak for at least 2 hours. It is convenient that we change the water every half hour.

two. Once free of sand, we open the clams, steaming them in a saucepan with a glass of water, a teaspoon of coarse salt and a bay leaf. As they open, remove the clams and reserve them. We also reserve a little of the cooking water.

3. Meanwhile, in a frying pan, make the sauce. First, we will simmer the onion, chilli and garlic very finely chopped. When the vegetables are ready, add the paprika, the flour and stir very quickly to make a paste or roux.

Four. Quickly, add the Sherry or white wine and stir until the alcohol evaporates.

5. Next, we add the fried tomato and the water from having cooked the clams that we will have previously strained. We taste and rectify salt.

6. Let it reduce for about 5 minutes and put the clams that we had open and reserved in the pan. We leave another 3 or 4 minutes until the sauce reaches the point of thickness that we like and turn off the heat.

7. Ready to serve!