Calcaneal spur –

The calcaneal spur is a triangular or lance-shaped growth of the heel bone. It occurs when the plantar fascia (elastic tissue that joins the heel with the area below the toes) is subjected to excessive traction and overload, generating micro-tears in its insertion. This part calcifies, forming that kind of «bone» that causes a sharp pain in the heel, as if they were punctures.


The main symptom is heel pain and the sensation of stepping on a nail. This pain is more intense with the first steps in the morning and, although it calms down with rest, it reappears after putting the foot back on the ground or after sports activity. If the patient’s job is to carry weight, it can aggravate the pain.

Diagnosis and treatment

The spur can be diagnosed with a lateral X-ray of the calcaneus, where a protuberance oriented towards the fingers and that can vary between 1 and 5 mm is recognized. However, it would be advisable to carry out other tests, such as blood tests, to rule out other diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis, ankylosing spondylitis or gout.

Being a consequence, in most cases, of plantar fasciitis, the treatment for plantar calcaneal spurs usually goes through:

Stop doing or reduce the practice of physical activity

Physical therapy: That includes the application of heat, cold or even ultrasound treatment (to try to dissolve the calcifications)

Medications: Either through the application of bandages with cortisone ointments, local anesthetics or anti-inflammatories or by the infiltration of said medications in the affected area

The use of heel cups with holes or, better yet, custom insoles that provide support and reduce the load on the arch of the foot are also recommended. Surgery is another possible treatment for bone spurs, but should only be considered if none of the above treatments have worked after a few months.


The calcaneal spur is caused by an accumulation of calcium, which leads to the formation of a “bone”, after enduring excess pressure on that part of the foot for several months. This overload is produced, in most cases, by an increase in tension of the plantar fascia.

There are factors that can increase the chances of the appearance of this pathology. Therefore, heel spurs are more common in people who:

They have high arches or flat feet.

They are overweight.

They run or play sports on very hard surfaces with inadequate footwear.

They use very hard shoes for long periods of time.

All these factors can lead to its appearance and generate that pain in the heel that is so annoying on a day-to-day basis that sometimes prevents us from continuing with our routine.

People at higher risk

The calcaneal spur is more frequent in people who are overweight or obese and from the middle age of life, since over the years, the tissues wear out. Specifically, the shock-absorbing pad in the heel loses effectiveness with age.

Athletes who do not warm up or stretch properly or who run or play sports on very hard surfaces with inadequate footwear are also more likely to suffer from spurs. In any case, sedentary people can also suffer from it.

Finally, those with flat or high arched feet, as well as people with a tendency to pronation, that is, the load of the foot tends to shift on the inner side when stepping, walking or running, are at greater risk of calcaneal spurs.

The causal association of these risk factors has yet to be established and, in fact, what they can actually cause is a continuous and prolonged traction force from the soft tissues that are inserted into the sole of the foot and that, on occasions, can lead to the bone deformity known as a spur. In other words, the origin of this condition is not entirely clear.

spur treatments

As for the different treatments, it will depend on the degree of development of the bony protuberance. They can be, special insoles (heel pads), analgesics against pain and rest, are enough to stop the symptoms.

In cases where the spur is excessively painful, treatment with shock waves, which treat bones and tissues, is working. Also, a surgical intervention may be necessary to eliminate the bone formation that causes the pain.

home treatments

avocado seed tincture

This tincture is easy and inexpensive and is very effective in relieving pain.


1 grated avocado seed;

500 ml of alcohol;

4 camphor stones.

preparation mode

In a dark bottle place the grated avocado seed and add the alcohol together with the camphor and let the solution stand for 20 days. Remove daily and then wet a cloth or gauze with the dye and apply to the painful area, leaving it to act overnight.

Move a bottle filled with ice water with the sole of the affected foot

Ice is always very beneficial to reduce inflammation and reduce pain. Of course, you should never put it directly on skin. It would cause you more harm than relief. So, it is best to cover its surface with a piece of cloth or towel. This way you will avoid burns.

Having said that, it is worth explaining, step by step, what our third piece of advice consists of:

Fill a liter and a half capacity plastic bottle with water.

Put it to freeze.

Once the water in the bottle is very cold, take the bottle out of the freezer.

Spread a towel on the floor and place the sole of the affected foot on the iced bottle.

Move the bottle by turning it with your foot as if it were the movement of a wheel. Keep doing this move for at least 15 minutes.

Unless your doctor tells you otherwise, you could do this exercise twice a day. You will notice relief.


To prevent the spur it is necessary to prevent plantar fasciitis first. For this, a detailed study of the foot and the plantar footprint is carried out; In the event of a destructuring of the same, a plantar support must be made, better known as a template, which must be personalized. This template will neutralize any imbalance of the tread and will optimize the supports